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【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了牛津版四年级下册一二单元考卷,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!


一、 找出划线部分发音不同的单词(6%) 1、( )A. doctor B. go C. clock D. watch 2、( )A. welcome B. brother C. hurry D. cup 3、( )A. boys B. cinema C. student D. nice 4、( )A. with B. thirsty C. father D. there 5、( )A. woman B. school C. look D. book 6、( )A. white B. where C. what D. whose 二、 找出不同类的单词(6%) 1、( )A. man B. girl C. teacher D. boy 2、( )A. mother B. nurse C. brother D. sister 3、( )A. white B. ruler C. red D. green 4、( )A. his B. she C. you D. he 5、( )A. white B. where C. what D. whose 6、( )A. is B. am C. are D. yes 三、 翻译词组(15%) 1、树上的男孩 2、穿红短裙的女孩 3、长发妇女 4、书桌上的文具盒 5、那双袜子 6、三辆玩具公共汽车 7、七点钟 8、我父亲的祖父 9、一只眼睛 10、哪所学校 四、 用is, am, are, my, your, his, her填空(10%) 1、 name is Tom. I a boy. 2、You Sally. teacher is Miss Wang. 3、That Nancy. mother is Mrs Green. 4、The shoes too big. But that pair of shoes small. 5、Jim my friend. eyes are small. 五、 选择填空(10%) ( )1、Welcome our school. Thank you. A. too B. to C. two D. in ( )2、Who’s that man? Mr Green. A. He’s B. he’s C. his D. His ( )3、Excuse me, you a doctor? Yes, I am. A. are B. Is C. is D. Are ( )4、 Mr Black a teacher? No, isn’t. A. is, he B. its, He C. Is, he D. It’s, she ( )5、Is that woman your mother? Which one? one in the blue dress. A. the, The B. , C. , The D. the, ( )6、 the girl the red T-shirt. A. Who’s, in B. Whose, on C. Who’s, on D. Whose, in ( )7、Who’s the boy big ? A. with, ear B. with, ears C. in, ear D. in, ears ( )8、We late the party. A. is, of B. is, for C. are, of D. are, for ( )9、May I your name? Sure. name is Dick. A. no, My B. know, My C. no, I D. know, I ( )10、Look, that is . It’s four now. A. a clock, o’clock B. o’clock, a clock C. o’clock, o’clock D. a clock, a clock 六、 连词成句(15%) 1、o’clock, eight, for, late, the, we’re, party, it’s 2、hair, short, my, he’s, who’s, boy, brother, the, with 3、woman, your, that, is, is, teacher, no, not, she 4、trees, sir, yes, don’t, again, climb 5、I, me, nurse, a, you, excuse, yes, am, are 七、 句子排序(16%) A. 1、Yes. Let’s hurry! 2、OK. Let’s go. 3、It’s six o’clock. We’re late for the party. 4、Excuse me, what’s the time? 5、He’s in the car. 6、Where’s your brother? B. 1、I like juice. 2、Have a cup of tea, please. 3、Excuse me, may I come in? 4、Sit down, please. 5、Sorry, I don’t like tea. 6、What do you like? 7、Have a carton of juice, please. 8、Thank you. 9、Come in, please. 10、You’ re welcome. 八、 根据要求或实际情况回答下列问题(16%) 1、Who’s your science(科学)teacher? (An) 2、Is your Chinese teacher a man? 3、Are you a boy? 4、Is your desk mate(同桌)a girl? 5、Do you like Math?(数学) 6、Where’re your books? 7、That student is her friend. (改成一般疑问句,否定回答) 8、The teachers are in the school now. (改成一般疑问句,肯定回答) 九、 阅读文章,判断正误(6%) H: Good evening, Molly. M: Good evening, Helen. Welcome to my party. H: Thank you. Is that boy your brother? M: Which one? H: The one in the blue shirt. M: No, he isn’t. The one in the white shirt is my brother. H: Who’s that girl? M: Which one? H: The one with long hair. M: She’s my sister. Wait here, Molly. I’ll get you some drinks. Molly去拿饮料,Helen一个人。 H: Excuse me, where’s the restroom? C: Go that way, please. H: Thank you. M: Have a glass of milk, please. H: But I don’t like milk. M: I’m sorry. What would you like? H: I’d like some water, please. M: OK! H: Molly! It’s late. It’s time to go home. M: I see. How do you go home, Helen? H: By bus. Goodbye, Molly. M: See you. Be careful! ( )1、It’s Helen’s party. ( )2、Molly has a brother and a sister. ( )3、Molly’s brother is in the blue shirt. ( )4、Molly’s sister has got long hair. ( )5、Helen likes juice. ( )6、Helen goes home by bike.



威廉希尔app 小学频道    四年级英语试题


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