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【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了小学英语四年级上册期中检测试题,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!


班级 姓名


一、 听音选择合适的选项

( )1、A. Kk B. Dd C. Ll

( )2、A. Z B. G C. Y

( )3、A. rabbit B. right C. ruler

( )4、A. math B. English C. science

( )5、A. 书 B. 铅笔 C. 钢笔

( )6、A. she B.her C. he

( )7、A. door B.picture C. floor

( )8、A. Jj B.Yy C.Bb

( )9、A. look B.seat C.me

( )10、A. 音乐 B.体育 C. 绘画

二、 听音选图

( )1 ( )2


( )3 ( )4


( )5


三、 听音选答语

( ) 1. A. It’ s a bag . B It’ s yellow. C It’ s in my bag.

( ) 2. A. Here you are . B I don’t know. C Sure, here you are .

( ) 3. A.Twelve . B Red C How much.

( ) 4. A. His name is John B My name is John . C. Her name is Lily.

( ) 5. A. Good idea. B Thank you. C Good job.

四、 听音排序(用1、2、3、4、5表示)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


一、 根据汉语写单词

1.男孩 2.朋友 3.女孩 4.书 5.学生

6.教师 7.书包 8.铅笔盒 9.钢笔 10. 尺


( ) 1. How many____ do you have? A. desk B desks C a desk

( ) 2. We have 8 ____. A. story-books . B story-book.

C story-book

( )3. I have ____ English book. A.an . B a C

( ) 4. What____ is it?. A. are . B colour. C is

( ) 5. What’s ____ name?. A. she. B her C he

( ) 6. My friend ____painting. A. likes . B like. C is like

( ) 7. He____short hair. A. is B has. C have

( ) 8. ______ the pen?.

A. where’s B Where’s C What’s

( ) 9. ____name is Chen Jie. A. Her B His C She

( ) 10. I____. a girl. A. am . B are. C is


( )1 你如何提议打扫教室呢?

A Let’s clean the board. B let’s clean our classroom..

C We have a new classroom.

( )2 你想询问这个女孩叫什么名字,应说:

A What’s he name ? B What’s her name ? C What’s his name ?

( )3 你想告诉同学教室里有8盏灯,应说:

A We have eight light. B We have six lights. C We have eight lights.

( )4 你买了个新书包,同学想知道它的颜色,应说: . It’s blue.

A What’s in it ? B What’s it ? C What colour is it ?

( )5 我有一台电脑。

A I have a teacher. B I have a TV.

C I have a computer.

四、阅读理解。(正确的写T, 错误的写F.)

I’m a student . I have a new classroom. There is a computer in my classroom . It’s white and pink. The wall is blue and the window is green. My friend Amy is a girl. Her seat is near my seat . She is tall. She has long hair and big eyes . She likes music and painting. I like painting, too. We are happy in school.

( ) 1 There is a computer in my home.

( ) 2 The wall is pink.

( ) 3 Amy has long hair and big eye.

( ) 4 I like music and painting.

( ) 5 Amy is a boy.



威廉希尔app 小学频道    四年级英语试题


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