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【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了小学四年级英语期中测试卷,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!


II 笔试部分60%


1. key  kitchen  (  )    2. hot   have   (  )

3. juice  yes  (  )     4. guess  orange  (  )

5. fat  for  (  )     6. doll  desk  (  )

7. cap  clean  (  )    8. balloon  book  (  )

9. bike  nice  (  )    10. name bag  (  )


1、the kite on the chair_______________   2、回家________________

3、let me see____________________     4、看一看________________

5、Can I have a look? ________________   6、在床上________________

7、I’d like a toy cat. __________________   8、在那边________________

9、Sure, Here you are. _________________  10、到这儿来________________


(   )1、This is _____you and that is _____ me.

A. of; to   B. for; for   C. for; of   D. to; of

(   )2、---What’s that in English?  ---____________.

A. It’s on the desk.       B. It’s in the desk.

C. It’s a desk         D. It’s desks.

(   )3、---Do you like dogs?  ---____________.

A. Yes, it is.  B. Yes, I do.  C. No, I’m not.  D. No, it isn’t.

(   )4、---May I have this puppet?  ---____________.

A. Yes, come in.     B. Yes, it is.

C. Sure. Here you are.   D. Thank you.

(   )5、---Where is ______ mother? ---She is ______ the kitchen.

A. he; on  B. you; in  C. your; in  D. your; on

(   )6、---Is this your school bag?  ---____________.

A. Yes, I do.  B. Yes, it is.  C. Yes, I am.  D. No, I don’t.

(   )7、---Can I help you?  ---___________.

A. No, I don’t.      B. I like this toy train.

C. I’d like the toy train.   D. Yes, I do.

(   )8、______ you like ______ dogs?

A. Do; this   B. Do; a   C. Do; /   D. Do; an

(   )9、---______ your photo?  ---Perhaps it’s on the desk.

A. Where’s  B. Is that   C. What’s  D. How’s

(   )10、---Look at my toy cat.  ---_______.

A. How lovely.       B. Sure. Here are.

C. Thank you very much.   D. Me, too.


(   ) 1. What’s that on the table?    Yes, it’s a koala.

(   ) 2. That’s her panda, I think.    No, it isn’t.

(   ) 3. I’d like a yellow balloon.    Thank you.

(   ) 4. Can I have a look ?      Sure.

(   ) 5. That’s a nice rabbit.      Yes. The cat is nice, too.


A May I have this koala?       B Sure Here you are.

C May I come in?          D What’s that?

E No, it isn’t. It’s a koala.       F It’s a cat.

G Come in, please.          H Is that a cat, too.

I I like the koala very much.      J Me, too.


1. A: What’s that _____ ________?

B: ______ a koala.

A: How lovely!

B: Can I ________ a _______ ?

A: Sure.

2. A: _______ you like puppets?

B: Yes, I _______ .

A: Here’s a puppet ________ you.



威廉希尔app 小学频道    四年级英语试题


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