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七、 看图写句子。(10分)

1.This ___________________________.

2. That __________________________.

3. Is this a picture ?


4. _____________________________?

Yes, it is.

5. Is this a pen ?



( )1._____ this a garden ?

A. is B. Is C. Are

( )2._____ is the art room ?

A. Who B. What C. Where

( )3.Our music room is _____ the second floor.

A. in B. on C. under

( )4. How many ______ are there in your school?

A. gyms B. garden C. playgaround

( ) 5. Is that a board? No, ________.

A. it is B. is not C. it isnt

九、选句填空, 在横线填上句子的字母符号。(10分)

A: Welome to our school. _______________________

B: How many students are there in your classroom?


B:Do you have a library ?

A: _______________

B: _______________

A:The canteen is on the first floor .


a: Yes, we do .

b: This is our classroom.

c: Forty.

d: Your school is cool .

e: Where is the canteen?

十、阅读短文,判断对错,用"√ " 或"× "表示。(10分)

Its 12:00. Im hungry. I go to the canteen in the school. I eat beef, fish and rice for lunch. Then(然后) I go to the library. Its on the second floor. There are many books in it. I can read story books there. After class, I go to the gym. Its on the first floor. I ofen play ping-pong with my classmates.Sometimes I play football on the playground. I like my school.

( )1.I have lunch at school.

( )2.The library is on the first floor.

( )3.After lunch, I read story books in the library.

( )4.There is a playground in my school.

( )5.I can play football in the gym.



威廉希尔app 小学频道    四年级英语试题


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