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第一部分 听力(30点)


( )1 A tell B still C April

( )2 A soon B American C clean

( )3 A finish B wash C watch

( )4 A invent B print C printing

( )5 A saw B ate C had

( )6 A fell over B fall over C ice-skating

( )7 A skate B climb C learnt

( )8 A paper B important C bicycle

( )9 A go B went C wore

( )10 A dancing B printing C skating


( )1 A He lives in London。

B I live in Shanghai。

C She lives in HongKong。

( )2 A She is helping her mum。

B She usually helps her mum。

C She helped her mum。

( )3 A He’s English。

B He’s from England。

C He’s an English boy。

( )4 A Chinese people invented paper。

B Chinese people invented printing。

C Chinese people invented important things。

( )5 A We went to the Great Wall。

B We saw lots of mountains。

C We ate apples。

Ⅲ 听音,填空:(10点)

stayed raining was ride bike yesterday didn’t football usually Sundays

On____, I ____ play ____ in the park. But I _____play football _____. And I usually ride my ____. But I didn’t ____it yesterday. It ____ _____! I _____at home。

第二部分 笔试(70点)

Ⅳ 选择适当的字母:(10点)

( )1 imp__tant A oo B ar C or

( )2 fini__ A sh B th C gh

( )3 d__ty A ia B ea C ir

( )4 s__ A aw B ew C ow

( )5 __pril A a B A C E

( )6 Ameri__ A can B ean C oin

( )7 yest__day A ir B er C or

( )8 danc__ng A i B u C a

( )9 m__tain A aun B oun C eun

( )10 w__t A in B en C oo

Ⅴ 按要求写出下列单词的对应形式:(20点)

1 go过去式­­­________ 2 see过去式­­­________

3 get单数第三人称形式­­­________ 4 eat过去式­­­________

5 dance现在分词________ 6 buy过去式­­­________

7 glass复数­­­________ 8 invent过去式­­­________

9 play过去式­­­________ 10 clean反义词­­­________

Ⅵ 英汉互译:(10点)

1 National Day________ 2 打扫房间________

3 the Great Wall________ 4 六点半________

5 ice-skating________ 6 洗裤子________

7 fall over________ 8 看电视________

9 climb the mountains________ 10 呆在家里________

Ⅶ 选择,填空:(10点)

( ) 1 I _____to the Great Wall yesterday。

A go B went C goes

( ) 2 Chinese people _____ paper。

A invent B invented C inventing

( ) 3 Lingling didn’t _____ to school yesterday。

A walked B walk C walks

( ) 4 Children from China are _____ 。

A Chinese B American C English

( ) 5 Amy is playing _____ her toys。

A with B of C for

( ) 6 He invented this bicycle _____ 1839.

A in B on C at

( ) 7 Where does Amy live? She _____ in London。

A live B lives C is living

( ) 8 Please tell me _____ China 。

A about B in C of

( ) 9 Daming usually _____ up at seven 。

A get B gets C getting

( ) 10 Yesterday , I learnt to skate . I didn’t fall _____ 。

A over B on C to

Ⅷ 阅读判断,与短文相符写T,不相符的写F。

Hi friends ,

I am from India . My name is Indrani . I am wearing traditional Indian clothes . I am nine years old . I like music and dolls . Yesterday , I played computer games . I finished my homework very late 。

From ,


1 The girl’s name is Indrani . ( )

2 She is from Mexico . ( )

3 She likes music and dolls . ( )

4 She usually plays computer games . ( )

5 She didn’t do her homework yesterday . ( )

Ⅸ 作文:给你的朋友写一封信,内容包括你的姓名,年龄,性别,爱好等等。(10点)

Dear________ ,



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