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一、 默写26个字母。(大小写均需要写)(13分)



she’s(完全形式)-( ) long(反义词)-( )

small(反义词)-( ) boy(对应词) - ( )

thin(反义词)—( ) under(反义词)-( )

light(复数)—( ) where is (缩略形式)—( )

铅笔(英语)--( ) 学生(英语)――(  )

四、用am, is, are填空5分)

1、I ____a student。

2、She ____my teacher。

3、You ______right。

4、This ____Zhang Peng。

5. What ____in the classroom?


( )1、How many _____can you see?

A. English book B. English books C. an English books

( )2. She ____big eyes and small ears。

A. is B. has C. have

( )3. ______clean the board。

A. Let’s me B. Let me C. Let us me

( )4. She ____ music。

A. likes B. like C. to like

( )5. She is a girl. ____ name is Lucy。

A. His B. Her C. Its

( )6. This is his photo. Look! ____ is tall。

A. He B. She C. He’s

( )7. Where is the milk? ___ you know?

A. Do B. do C. Are

( )8. Amy: Where is your seat?

Mike: __________________。

A. It near the door. B. It’s the door. C. It’s near the door。

( )9. Is that a boy ___ a girl?

A. or B. and

( )10. I like _____。

A. paint B. painting C. panting

( )11.Let ------ clean the board。

A . my B. me C.I

( ) 12.How many ------do you have?

A book B. books C.a book

( ) 13.She -----a small nose。

A. have B. has C is

( )14.------name is Zhangpeng。

A. He B he C His

( )15.My friend ------English book。

A. like B.likes C. don’t like


( )1. 农民 A. driver B. farmer C. teacher

( )2. 米饭 A. chicken B. rice C. beef

( )3. 课桌 A. desk B. shelf C. sofa

( )4.科学 A. math B. science C. music

( ) 5.窗户 A. door B. window C. board


1、is this classroom my


2、what is it colour


3、her name what’s


4、has long hair she


5、what’s like she



Look at the picture! There is a woman in the car. She is my aunt. She is my father’s sister. Her husband(丈夫) is an English teacher. He is tall and strong. My aunt and uncle have two sons and a daughter. Jim and Tom are twins(双胞胎). They are 12. They like science. How old is Ann? She is 9. She likes music. Theyare happy together。

( ) 1. There are four people in my aunt’s family。

( ) 2. In the picture, my aunt is in the car。

( ) 3. My uncle is a Chinese teacher。

( ) 4. Ann is 12.

( ) 5. Jim and Tom are twins。

八. 读一读,将相对应的句子连线。(10分)

1. How much is it? A. You are welcome。

2. Where is your book? B. It’s green。

3. What colour is your eraser? C. Yes. I do。

4. Do you like music? D. Five yuan。

5. Thank you. E. It’s in my schoolbag。

九. 把下列句子排成一个完整的对话。(12分)

( ) It’s blue. Look!

( ) Really ? What colour is it?

( ) Hello , Amy. I have a new schoolbag。

( ) May I have a look?

( ) Wow! It’s a panda! How nice!

( ) Sure, here you are。


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