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1. ---What did do last ?

---He went to 。

---How did he go there?

---He went there by 。

2. ---There was a yesterday。

---Was it music?

---Yes, it was。

---Who in the concert?

---My .She played the guzheng。

---What's a guzheng?

---It's a instrument。


( ) 1.A.He was five years old。

B. He looked after sheep。

C. He was my friend。

( ) 2.A.No,I didn't。

B. No, I wasn't。

C. No, I won't。

( ) 3.A.I bought a new book。

B. I saw a boy crying 。

C. I played a Chinese instrument。

( ) 4.A.We went to a concert。

B. We are looking after a baby。

C. We will go to a concert。



1. have/has--- 2.see---

3. come--- 4.laugh---

5. shout--- 6.eat---

7. buy--- 8.break---

9. run--- 10.draw---

11. drink--- 12.sing---

13. take--- 14.write---

15. clap--- 16.stop---




( ) 1.My mum played the pipa the concert。

A. in B. on C. to

( ) 2.My grand ma looks the cat。

A. at B. for C. after

( ) 3.These are Chinese 。

A. instrument B. instruments C. instruments'

( ) 4.Look.There are so many in the field。

A. sheep B. sheeps C. sheepes


( ) 1.What did you buy? A.I saw a new film。

( ) 2.What did you eat? B.I bought a pair of shoes。

( ) 3.What did you see? C.I ate noodles。

( ) 4.What did you drink? D.I rode a horse。

( ) 5.What did you ride? E.I drew an apple。

( ) 6.What did you draw? F.I drank some water。


Amy is an American girl. She is nine years old. She wants to hear Chinese music. Yesterday she went to a concert with her parents. They love Chinese music very much。

( ) 1.Where is Amy from?

A. China B. America C. England

( ) 2.How old is she?

A. She is eight. B. She is nine. C. She is ten。

( ) 3.Where did they go yesterday?

A. They went to a concert.

B. They went to a bus station.

C. They went to a supermarket。



go into the kitchen(厨房)

eat a banana

see a cat

run away


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