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一. 听一遍录音,选择你听到的单词。

( )1.A biscuit B black Cbreak

( )2. A fly B cry C try

( )3. A win B won C wins

( )4. A fast B last C class

( )5. A hard B hurt C half

二. 听两遍录音,补全短文。

Some English-----------came to----------last week. They came----------the music competition. This ---------won a ------- ------. She played the----------. She practices ------ ------。


三. 写出下面动词的过去式

are-- watch-- go-- have-- is-- eat-- learn-- see--

buy-- cut-- put-- clean-

四. 英汉互译

从…上跌落 ( ) 一个金杯 ( ) 跑开( )

lots of( ) the Great Wall ( ) fell over( )

五. 选择

1. Don't go out . Please stay -----home。

A in B at C of

2. Last Sunday we went ----a bike ride。

A to B for C on

3.Look!The boy is ----------。

A cried B crying C cry

4.The woman has ------of ducks。

A lots B lot C many

5.This boy -----a gold cup in the competition。

A win B wins C won


A What's the matter? B What's this?

7。你想问大明去了哪里。 --------------

A Where are you going ,Daming?

B Where did you go yesterday,Daming?

8。你告诉大家昨天在电影院看了一部新电影。 ------------

A I saw a new film in the cinema yesterday 。

B I watched TV at home yesterday.

六. 补全对话

A:What's _____matter?

B:I've got ______stomach ache。

A:What did you______yesterday?

B:I ate some apples and bananas。

A:How __________did you eat?


七. 连线

What happened to you? Yes,I did.

Did you fall off the bike? I hurt my knee。

When did they come? They came last Sunday。

Who is crying? She played the flute。

What did she play? The boy is crying。

八. 作文

描述你昨天做了什么事情。使用以下词语:yesterday ate went bought had 等等。


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