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Name_______ Class______ Mark_______

Listening Part(听力部分)40%

Ⅰ、Listen and choose .(选择你所听到的单词.)10%

( ) 1. A. yesterday B. National Day

( ) 2. A. Beijing B. Buckingham Palace

( ) 3. A. dancing B. printing

( ) 4. A .dirty B. didn’t

( ) 5. A. people B. paper

( ) 6. A. tell B. still

( ) 7. A. invent B. important

( ) 8. A. April B. American

( ) 9. A. soon B. also

( ) 10. A. a photo of B. a picture of

Ⅱ、Listen and number.(根据听到的内容,为下列图片排序。)10%

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Ⅲ、.Listen and tick.(根据听到的内容找出相应的图片,并在括号里画“√”表示。)10%

1. 2.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

3 4

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

5 .

( ) ( )

Ⅳ、Listen and cirle. (听一听,圈一圈。)10%

I usually go / went to school on Mondays. But yesterday, I did / didn’t go. There is / was no school.Because yesterday was National Day / Children’s Day! I watched / watch TV .

Writing Part (笔试部分) 60%

Ⅰ、Choose the correct answer.10℅

( )1. 当你想知道对方正在做什么时,可以问:

A. What do you do? B. What are you doing?

( )2.当你对别人的想法表示认同时,可以说:

A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, that’s right.

( )3. Tell me China. (关于)

A. about B. from

( )4. ----Hi, Amy. What are you doing?

----I’m a letter.

A. reading B. read

( )5. ----What does she live?

----She in London.

A. live B. lives

( )6. ----What’s he doing?

----He’s basketball.

A. play B. playing

( )7. He his homework yesterday.

A. washed B. finished

( )8. Daming his room yesterday.

A. cleaned B. didn’t clean

( )9. English people invented .

A. printing B. bicycle

( )10. Children from America are

A. Russian B. American

Ⅱ、Read and write the correct word.10%

walks walked

1). He usually_________ to work.

2). He _______ to work yesterday.


invented didn’t invent

1). Chinese people ______ paper.

2). English people _______ paper.

3)Chinese peole _____________ printing.

Ⅲ、Look and write. 10%

( ) 1. It was my birthday on Saturday.I was very happy.

( ) 2. Lingling didn’t get up at half past six.

( ) 3.I printed this newspaper.

( ) 4. Mr. Smart cooked noodles.

( ) 5.Chinese people invented printing.

( A ) ( B ) ( C ) ( D ) ( E )

Ⅳ、Fill in the blanks。10

1. s __ __ n (不久) __ mportant (重要的) b__ c__ cle (自行车)

m__ __ntain (山) cl__ mb (爬) f__n__ sh ( 完成 )

2. 写过去式。

eat → _________ phone → _________

go → _________ wear → _________

clean → _________

Ⅴ、Unjumble the words. 5%

1. dancing / is /He


2. happy / was / very / Mum


3. National Day / Yesterday / was


4. at / I / stayed / home


5. I’ve / a / got / friend / new


Ⅵ、Read and choose. 5%

Yesterday, we went on a school trip. We went to the zoo. It was cold yesterday. We all wore warm clothes. We saw lots of tigers and monkeys. We bought some bananas. Monkeys like bananas. They ate our bananas. They were very naughty and funny.

We ate lunch at the park. We ate biscuits and apples. After lunch we played games. Boys played football. Girls ran and jumped. We had a good time!

( ) 1. Where did they go yesterday?

A. They went to the zoo. B.They went to the Great Wall.

( ) 2. What did they see at the zoo?

A. They saw tigers and lions. B. They saw tigers and monkeys.

( ) 3. Did the tigers eat the bananas?

A. No, they didn’t. B. Yes, they did.

( ) 4. Did the boys play football after lunch?

A. No, they didn’t. B. Yes, they did.

( ) 5. What was the weather like yesterday?

A. It was cold. B. It was fine.

Ⅶ.Write a short composition. 10%

用英语描述你上周末的活动。不少于5句话。可参考下列单词和词组:wash, clean , watch,

finish , play football /basketball……

Last Weekend







1. Yesterday I didn’t walk to school.

2. We were at Buckingham Palace.

3. He’s dancing.

4. They were very dirty.

5. Chinese people are very clever.

6. I am still eight.

7. It’s important..

8. I will be nine in April.

9. Write to me soon.

10. Here is a photo of me on my birthday.


1. Yesterday I helped my mum.

2. Yesterday I played basketball.

3. Yesterday I painted a picture.

4. Yesterday I watched TV.

5. Yesterday I washed my trousers.



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