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班级_ __ 姓名__ __ 评分_____

一、 听录音内容,将下面每组中你认为符合录音内容的图片下面的字母画一圆圈圈住。(10分)

1、 2、 3、


4、 5、



1、 2 、 3、 ¥50 4、 5、 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

二、 根据录音内容,在句子的空格中填上单词,将句子补充完整(每格一词)。(10分)

1、What’s in your classroom?

There is one ___, two ____ and four_____

2、Is this your ____? No, it’s_____.

3、What ____is it? It’s _____.

4、What ____ is it? It’s yellow.

5 、Where is my ___ ____? It’s on your bed.

三、 根据你在录音中听到的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其前面的字母编号填到句子前面的括号里。(10分)

( ) 1、 A: Yes, it’s. B: No, it’s not. C: No, it’s white.

( ) 2、 A:They’re jeans. B: They’re brown. C: It’s a jacket.

( ) 3、 A: There are three. B: It’s 7:00. C: They’re three.

( ) 4、 A:Yes, it’s my jacket. B: Yes, it is. C: It’s Mike’s.

( ) 5 、A: No, it isn’t a classroom. B: No, it’s a football.

C: Yes, it is.

四、 根据录音内容,将下列衣物用蜡笔涂上相应的颜色。(10分)

五、 根据录音的顺序,将下列图片排序,并将序号填在图片下面的括号里。(10分)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

六、 根据所给的图片书面回答所提的问题(答案需完整)。(10分)

1、Is that a canteen?

__ ____ ____

2、What time is it?


3、What are they?

_______ ______

4、What colour is the shirt?

_________ 白色

5、Is this your skirt, Mary?

_________ __ Amy’s


( )1、___ this a library?

A: is B: Is C: Are

( )2、Our classroom is ___ the second floor.

A: in B: on C: near

( )3、It’s 3:00. It’s time __ PE class.

A: on B: to C: for

( )4、_____ is it? It’s 5:00.

A: What colour B: How old C: What time

( )5、Whose is the shirt? It’s ____.

A: Johns B: John’s C: She brother’s

九、 补全对话:根据上下文的意思在下面对话的横线上填上适当的词,将对话补充完整。(10分)

A: _______ is it, Mum?

B: It’s 6:40. It’s ____ to get up.

A: Can I wear my T-shirt?

B: Yes, ______.

A: Where is my T-shirt?

B: _____ on the bed.

A: ________ is it?

B: Red.

十、 阅读理解:

This is my school day.

I get up at 6:30 in the morning. Then I have breakfast at seven. I go to school at 7:30. It’s eight o’clock. It’s time for class. I have English class at 9:00 every day. Miss Lin is my English teacher. I like her very much. It’s 4:00 now. It’s time for PE class. I clean the classroom at 5:10. Then I go home at 5:30. I can’t watch TV in the evening. I go to bed at nine.


( ) 1、I go to school at 7:00.

( ) 2、I clean the classroom at 5:00.

( ) 3、Miss Lin is my Chinese teacher.

( ) 4、I go to bed at 9:00.

( ) 5、I watch TV in the evening.




一、 听录音内容,将下面每组中你认为符合录音内容的图片下面的字母画一圆圈圈住。。

1、playground 2 computer room 3 picture

4 music room 5 have breakfast


1、Go to the library. Read a story book.

2 Take off your jacket.

3 How much is the bag? It’s 50 yuan .

4 Put the pencil in the pencil-case.

5 What time is it? It’s ten o’clock.


1、What’s in your classroom?

There is one board, two computers and four fans.

2 Is this your jacket? No, it’s not.

3 What time is it? It’s eight.

4 What colour is it? It’s yellow.

5 Where is my green skirt? It’s on your bed.



1、 Is this your sweater?

2、 What colour are the pants?

3、 How many windows are there in your classroom?

4、 Whose jacket is it?

5、 Is that a library?


Look, I have a red dress, a yellow T-shirt. What colour are the pants? They are blue. And my socks are white. What colour is the skirt? Oh, it’s green.


1、Go to the library. Read a story-book.

2 Time for PE. Jump and run.

3 What time is it? It’s eight o’clock.

4 Where is the art room? It’s on the second floor.

5 Put away your sweater.


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