



( )1. Open the door A. 扫地板

( )2. Sweep the floor B. 玩电脑游戏

( )3. Clean the bedroom C. 坐在沙发上

( )4. Listen to music D.用刀切

( )5. Put your eraser near your pencil—case. E. 听音乐

( )6. Play computer game F. 开门

( )7. Go to the kitchen G. 打扫卧室。

( )8. Sit on the sofa H. 接电话

( )9. Answer the phone I. 去厨房

( )10. Cut with the knife J. 把橡皮放在铅笔盒旁


( )1. 别人帮助了你,你要说:

A. Excuse me   B. Thank you

( )2. 你把教室打扫的很干净,老师会说:

A. Good idea   B. Good job

( )3. 如果你想自己擦黑板,你会说:

A. Let me clean the window

B. Let me clean the board

( )4. 我的书包很沉。

A. My schoolbag is heavy

B. My schoolbag is big

( )5. 你想知道朋友的妹妹的名字,你会说:

A . What’s his name ?

B. What’s her name ?

( )6. 想知道这是不是你的房间,应该问:

A. Is this your room ?

B. What’s this ?

( )7. 你没做过的事,你想试一试,你会说:

A. Let me try

B. Let’s go and have a look

( )8. 如果你想请别人开门,你会说:

A. Open the door ,please

B. Come in please

( )9. 朋友看见全家福照片,你会介绍说:

A. Come and meet my family

B. They are so nice

( )10. 你哥哥是棒球运动员,你会说:

A. My brother is a baseball player

B. My brother is a driver


( )1. What’s_________ dinner ?

A. in   B. of   C. for

( )2. Where _________the keys ?

A. are   B. is   C. am

( )3. How_________ kites can you see ?

A. many   B. much   C. old

( )4. Is your mother in the kitchen ?

A. Yes,it is   B. Yes,she is   C. No,she is

( )5. Who’s this man ?________ my father.

A. She is   B .He is   C. This is

( )6. Mike________ big eyes .

A. are   B. have   C. has

( )7. My friend quiet.

A. are   B. is   C. has

( )8. Let_______ clean the bedroom.

A. I   B. my   C. us

( )9. He _________sports.

A. like   B. likes   C. is

( )10. Is she in the kitchen ?________

A. No,she it   B. No,she isn’t   C. No, she is


1、 we, a, classroom, have, new


2、 I,a, schoolbag, have, new


3、What, in, it, is


4、uncle, my , a, is, doctor


5、Let, sweep, me , floor , the


6、is, she, kitchen, the, in



My grandma is a nurse, my father is a doctor, he is strong. My mother is a teacher. Look at that boy, he is my brother. He is a baseballplayer. That little girl is my sister, she is a student.

( )1. My grandma is a teacher.

( )2. My father is strong.

( )3. The little girl is my sister,

( )4. My mother is a nurse.
