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1.How many people are there in your family?

2.What would you like?  I’d like some rice and soup.

3.Is this your bedroom?  Yes, it is.

4.I have a friend . She likes music.

5.This is my mother, she is a nurse.

五、情景反应:将其标号填写在括号内。 (10分)

(    ) 1. 如果你需要打扰别人,你会有礼貌地说:

A. Excuse me.       B. I’m sorry.        C. Let’s go.

(    ) 2. 朋友到你家做客,用餐时,你会热情地对朋友说:

A. I like Chinese food.    B. Help yourself.   C. Here you are.

(    ) 3. 请求别人递叉子给你的时候,你应该有礼貌地说:

A. Pass me a fork,please.       B. Where’s the fork?

C. Would you pass me the fork?

(    ) 4. 你想知道教室里有什么,你应该说:

A. What’s in the classroom?  B. Where’s in the classroom?

(    ) 5. 你爸爸是做什么的用英语怎么说?

A. Who’s your father?       B. What’s your father’s job?


(   )1.What’s her name ?                A.Two.

(   )2.Let me sweep the floor.             B.It’s white.

(   )3.What colour is the wall?            C.Her name is Amy.

(   )4.Is she in the study?                D.OK.

(   )5.How many English books do you have?   E.No, she isn’t.


Today, We have a new classmate(同学), Lucy. She’s from Canada. She’s quiet and thin. Her mother is our new English teacher, Miss White. Miss White has long hair and two big eyes, we like her very much.

(   ) 1. Lucy is a new classmate.

(   ) 2. She comes from Australia

(   ) 3. Lucy is short and quiet.

(   ) 4. Lucy’s mother is a teacher.

(   ) 5. Lucy has long hair.

同步更新: 四年级英语同步练习】|【四年级英语知识点






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