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1、 It’s next _______my classroom.

A. in B. to C.on

2、I live_____ No.2 Park Street.

A. at B. on C. up

3. What____Tom doing?

A. am B. is C.are

4. This dog lost . A. am B. is C. are

5.____you want some noodles? A. Do B. Can C. Are

6.----Can____row a boat? -----Yes,I can.

A. I B. you C. he

7. She to you .

A. am talking B. is talking C. is talk

8. They a letter .

A. is write B. are writing C. is writing

9. I watching IV . A . am B is C are

10 .He’s reading a book____China?

A. in B. about C. of

11.What are they ? A.drink B. drinks C. drinking

12.Where are you now ? I’m your right now.

A. at B. on C. in

13.Do you want some bananas ? .

A.No,I do B. No, thank you C.Yes ,I don’t

14.What’s Tom doing ? He’s music .

A.listening B.listen to C.listening to

15.Where’ s the train? I’s the station . A. at B. on C. down


1、take pictures 2. write a letter

3. turn right 4. Chinese fast food

5.look at these pictures 6 read a book

7. ride a bike 8 play football

9. run fast 10. come on

11. play chess 12. How much…?



( )1.What are you doing ? A. It’s swimming.

( )2.how much is it ? B. I’m reading a book .

( )3.Do you want some rice ? C. It’s near the station .

( )4.Where is the supermarket ? D . They’re jumping.

( )5.Thank you so much ! E. I’m behind the door.

( )6.Where are you now? F.No,thank you.

( )7.What are they doing ? G. You’re welcome .

( )8.what’s the elephant doing? H. It’s ten yuan.


1. /you / some / want/ milk / do / (?)

2. /jump/ you/ not / can /high/ (.)

3./ can / you/ fast/ run/ ( ? )

4. / doing /are / you / what / (?)

5. /train / the/ station / where’s /at /the/ it’s /  (? .)

6. /is / reading/ book/ she/ a /  (.)


We are going to have a Sports Day in our school. Lingling can run fast. She is going to run the 100 metres. Sam can ride fast, and he is going to ride a bike. Amy can jump high, and she is going to do the high jump. Daming can jump far, and he is going to do the long jump. What am I going to do? I am going to play table tennis. Good luck on Sports Day. Come on!

( )1. I am going to play football for Sports Day.

( )2. Daming is going to do the long jump.

( )3. Amy can jump far.

( )4. Lingling is going to run the 100 metres.

( )5. Sam can run fast, and he is going to ride a bike.







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