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( )1.How many _______ are there in the house?

A. bedrooms B. bedroom C.a bedroom

( ) 2.The bed is next _______ the desk.

A.on B. to C.in

( ) 3.There is a picture _______ the wall.

A.to B.on C. In

( ) 4.---- _______is the computer?

---- It’s purple.

A .How many B.What colour C.What

( ) 5. ---- _______ in the room?

---- There are some chairs.

A.What B .How’s C .What’s

( ) 6.Please open your eyes _______ two minutes.

A.for B. of C .on

( ) 7.This is our ______ .

A.teacher room B. Teacher’s room C.teachers’ room

( ) 8.My flat is ______ that tall building.

A.on B. under C.in

( ) 9.I do _____ homework in the bedroom.

A.my B. your C.our

( )10.Our school ______ thirty-five classrooms.

A.has B. is C.have

十、根据上下文选择恰当的单词填空,把下面的对话补充完整,每空一词。(注意每个词只能用一次) (每空1分,共7分)

any are there like

picture classrooms twenty

A: Is this a _______ of your school?

B: Yes, it is.

A: How many __________ are there in the school?

B:There are ________ classrooms.

A: Is ______ a library in your school?

B:No,there isn’t.

A: Are there ______ trees in your school?

B:Yes, there ______.

A: Do you ________ your school?

B:Yes, I do.


Hello, I am Marry, I am a pretty girl. I live in a big flat. It is in a big building.There are seven rooms in my flat . There are two bedrooms ,a study ,a kitchen ,a toilet ,a bathroom,a living room. There are four chairs and three sofas in the living room .There is a pink computer in the study .

( )1.Mary is a pretty girl .

( )2.Mary’s flat is small.

( )3.There are seven rooms in Mary’s flat.

( )4.There are three chairs in the living room.

( )5.There is a pink computer in the bedroom.


My name is Sally . This is our school .It is big and beautiful. There are three tall buildings in our school.There is a big playground between the two buildings. And there are twenty tall trees and thirty short trees beside the playground. There are forty classrooms in our school.There are forty-six desks and chairs in one classroom. I like our school.

( ) 1.Sally’s school is ______.

A.small and beautiful B.big but old C.big and beautiful

( ) 2. The playground is ______ the two buildings.

A.behind B.between C. in front of

( ) 3.There are ______ trees beside the playground.

A.fifty B .twenty C.thirty

( ) 4.There are ______ desks and chairs in one classroom.

A. 40 B. 46 C. 56

( ) 5.There are______classrooms in our school.

A. thirty B. forty C. Sixty

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的四年级上学期英语期中试题,怎么样,大家还满意吗?希望对大家的学习有所帮助,同时也祝大家学习进步,考试顺利!






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