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四、 读句子,在空缺处填上合适的单词。(9分)

1. He has short hair. She has _____ hair.

2. Her brother is fat. His sister is____.

3. You’re short. She is _____.

4. I have big eyes. He has _____ eyes.

5. Mr Jones has (眼镜).

6. I have two (数学书).

7. I have four (糖果)and six (玩具).

8. I have five (笔记本)


A. Good idea. B. What’s in it? C. What colour is it?

D. How are you? E. How many storybooks do you have?

Amy: Hello, Mike. Mike: I’m fine, thanks.

Amy: I have a new schoolbag. Mike:

Amy: It’s red and blue. Mike: Woo!

Amy: Look! Many books. Mike:

Amy: I have six storybooks. Mike: Let’s clean the classroom.

Amy: .


I have three friends. They`re Ann, Mike and Bob. Bob is tall and strong. He likes English best(最好的). Mike is short and thin. He is very friendly. He like maths best. Ann is very quiet. She has long hair and small mouth. She like Chinese best.

( ) 1. Bob is a strong boy.

( ) 2. Mike and Bob like English.

( ) 3. Mike is tall and thin.

( ) 4. Ann has short hair and a small nose.

( ) 5. Ann is very quiet.






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