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一、 请写出他们的左邻右舍。(每空1分,共12分)

____ Bb ____    ____ Ss _____     ____ Mm _____

____ Ff ____    ____ Pp _____      ____Vv ____

二、 规范书写我最棒。(每空2分,共12分)

sun     phone     drink     cousin     ride      cold

三、 按照正确的格式抄写下列句子。(每空2分,共10分)

1、London is a big city.

2.I took some pictures.

3. Robots will do everything.

4. Did he live in New York?

5.She’s a nice teacher.



(   )1.A.football          B.basketball      C.big

(   )2.A.take               B.long            C.short

(   )3.A.Tuesday            B.ship            C.Friday

(   )4.A.Beijing            B.China           C.London

(   )5.A.school             B.zoo             C.apple

(   )6.A.grandma            B.dog             C.grandpa

(   )7.A.do                 B.cooked          C.helped


(   )1.Whose house is it?

A. It’s the Queen’s house.      B. It’s a big house.

(   )2. Lili fell ______ her bike.

A.off                             B. to

(   )3.What’s that?

A.It’s a robort.                  B. I like apples.

(   )4. Did he go to school?

A.Yes, he did.                  B.No,I’m not

(   )5. He went to school _______.

A. were                        B.   by bike

(   )6. She saw some   ______.

A.birds                        B. mother

(   )7.You  had a  ______ time.

A.good                         B.car

(   )8.She can            a bike.

A.rides            B.ride


(   )1、How are you?                    A、 Yes ,he did.

(   )2、Goodbye!                        B.I’m  nine.

(   )3、Did he live in New York?        C、Yes,I was.

(   )4、Were you at home yesterday?      D、I’m fine.Thank you.

(   )5、How old are you?                E、Goodbye!


(   )1.我那时两岁,应该怎么说:

A.  I was two then        B.  They are old.

(   ) 2.儿童节到了,你怎样向同学祝贺:

A.  Happy   New Year!     B. Happy   Children ’s Day !

(   ) 3. 你昨天在家吗,应该怎样说?

A.  Were you at home yesterday?    B. Were you at the zoo?

(   ) 4. 他去年住在中卫吗,该怎么问?

A. Did you live in China last week?

B. Did he live in Zhongwei last year?

(   ) 5. 当你想问“那个小女孩是谁?” 应说:

A. Who is that little girl?   B. Who is this little boy?

(   ) 6你是个好女孩,应该说:

A. You are a good girl.         B. You are a good boy.


Tomorrow is Saturday.Let’s have a class party.We will go to the park.The park is in the north of school.We can fly our kites.Sam is going to go skating and Amy will tell us a story(故事)。Mr Li,our English teacher will play the guitar.We will go there at nine o’clock.

(   )  1.Tomorrow is             .

A. Saturday           B.Tuesday

(   )  2. -Is the park big?

-                 .

A.  Yes, it is.        B.No, it’s small.

(   )  3.-What will Sam do?

-He will             .

A. go skating.          B.go  home

(   )  4.Mr Li is our            teacher.

A. Chinese              B.English

(   )  5.We will go there at             o’clock.

A.  nine                 B.one

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