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PartⅠ Listening(听力部分,共30分)

Ⅰ. 听音,选择。(Listen and choose) (共5分)


(   ) 1. A. cold        B. cloudy         C. cool

(   ) 2. A. pants       B. pretty        C. potato

(   ) 3. A. horse       B. hen           C. sheep

(   ) 4. A. sock        B. scarf         C. sunglass

(   ) 5. A. cheap       B. dress         C. shorts

II. 听音,连线。(Listen and match) (共10分)


1. white       2. green     3. blue     4. yellow    5. pink

A           B            C            D              E

Ⅲ. 听音,选择。(Listen and choose) (共10分)


(   ) 1. A. Can I help you?        B. Can I try them on?

(   ) 2. A. Whose coat is this?    B. Whose pants are those?

(   ) 3. A. They are horses.       B. Are they hens?

(   ) 4. A. It’s cloudy today.      B. It’s cool today.

(   ) 5. A. Time to go home.       B. It’s time for lunch.

Ⅳ. 听音,排序。(Listen and rank) (共5分)


(   )       (   )      (   )       (   )      (   )

Part Ⅱ Writing (笔试部分,共67分)

Ⅴ. Tick or cross. 判断每组划线部分发音是“√”否“×”一致。(共7分)

(   ) 1. A. world B. horse    (   ) 2. A. fork   B. born

(   ) 3. A. apple    B. people    (   ) 4. A. cow    B. brown

(   ) 5. A. short    B. sir       (   ) 6. A. farm   B. work

(   ) 7. A. computer  B.tiger

Ⅵ.look, choose and write.根据图片选择合适的单词完成句子。(共10分)。

sunny   sweater  tomatoes    glove  expensive

1. This is my                    .

2. Look at this shirt. It’s                   .

3. It’s hot and                               in Sydney.

4. Amy’s                               is very pretty.

5. I don’t like

Ⅶ.Look and choose. 选出最佳的一项完成句子或对话,将序号写在题前的括号内。(共10分)

(   ) 1. They are              shoes.

A. John           B. John’s          C. John is

(   ) 2. The teachers’ office is          the second floor.

A. in              B. to               C. on

(   ) 3. How           are these skirt.

A. much           B. many            C. some

(   ) 4. -- What are those?


A. They are sheep.  B. It is a sheep.  C. Three sheep.

(   ) 5. It’s 9:30. It’s time            Chinese class.

A. to                B. for              C. on

Ⅷ.Read and tick (√). 读对话,在正确的图片上画√。(共8分)

1.Girl: What are those? Are they             apples?

Farmer: No, they are tomatoes.

2. Boy: Are they hens?

Farmer: Yes, they are.

I have 20 hens here.

3. Boy: Are those horses over there?

Farmer: No. They are baby cows.

4. Girl: What are these?

Farmer: They’re my potatoes.

Ⅸ.Read and choose. 读句子,为下列句子 选择正确的答语,将序号写在题前的括号内。(共12分)

(   ) 1. Sarah, how do you like this skirt?

(   ) 2. What’s the weather like in Hong Kong?

(   ) 3. Whose pants are those?

(   ) 4. Can I try them on?

(   ) 5. Are these yours?

(   ) 6. Is this your pencil?

Ⅹ. Dialogue.看图选择合适的句子补全对话,只填字母标号即可。(10分)

Ⅺ.Tick or cross. 读短文,判断对(T)错(F)。 (10分)


Thank you for the hat. It’s sunny here.

I wear it every day.

I don’t like the city. The food here is very

expensive! The food in the countryside is

nice and cheap.

How is my dog? He is so friendly and


I miss the ducks, too. How many baby

ducks are there on the farm now?

Please write soon!


Wang Ke

(   ) 1. It is sunny in the city.

(   ) 2. Wang Ke like the city.

(   ) 3. Grandpa has a new hat.

(   ) 4. Wang Ke’s dog is friendly and cute.

(   ) 5. There are hens on the farm.

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