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如今,许多国际场合都使用英语做为沟通媒介。威廉希尔app 为大家准备了四年级英语下学期期末试卷,希望能对大家有所帮助。

听力部分 (41分)

一、 听录音,给下面的图片标号。(10分)

(    )  (    )   (    )   (    )   (    )

(    )   (    )  (    )   (    )   (    )


er        le      ar      al        or      ir

1. peop            2. c               3. b      l

4. dinn            5.f       k        6. b     d






Hong Kong


(   )1. A. This is our playground.

B. This is our library.

(   )2. A. The jeans are very long.

B. The dress is very fat.

(   )3. A. Does your school have a garden?

B. Do you have a red T-shirt?

(   )4. A. They are on your bed.

B. They are very nice.

(   )5. A. They are potatoes.

B. There are two pigs there.


(   ) 1.A.They are sheep.             B. Yes, they are.

(   ) 2.A.White                     B.Five yuan.

(   ) 3.A.Yes, they are.               B.No,it isn’t.

(   ) 4.A.I like vegetables.            B. It’s warm today.

(   ) 5.A.Yes, you can.               B.No,you aren’t.



(    )1.cake  face (    )2.bike   pig (    )3.we   she

(    )4.nose box   (    )5.bus cup     (   )6.apple. circle

(   )7.fat  far   (   )8.sir   her


(   )1、 It's 10 o'clock. It's time ____ go to school.

A.to          B.for         C.of

(   )2、Look at the clock, what ____ is it?

A.class        B.time       C.can

(   )3、It's 9:45. It's time ____ music class.

A.to       B.for       C.of

(   )4、It's cold ____ Beijing.

A.on       B.in        C.is

(   )5、Can I wear my T-shirt?_____

A. No, you can't.       B.Yes, you can't.      C.No, you can.

(   )6、What are ______? They are apples.

A. this      B. these       C. it

(   )7、______those sheep? Yes,they are .

A.Are   B.Is   C.Am

(   )8、How many ______are there?

A.horse   B.horses    C.duck

(   )9、Is this______ T-shirt?

A.you   B.I   C.your


1. nice      cheap       pretty     tomato

2. English    potato      Chinese    P.E.

3. dinner     lunch       red       breakfast

4. horse      cow        hen       small

5. weather   shirt       skirt      sweater

6. cap       clothes      shirt     shoes

7. pen      book         toy       boy



A.What’s your name?  B.Where are you?  C.How are you ?


A.OK.    B.That’s all right.  C. Thank you.


A. How are you ?  B .How old are you ?

C. .What’s your name?


A.What’s the art room?  B.Where is the art room?

C.How many art rooms?


A.Can you help me?  B.Can I help you?

C.Thank you very much.


A                                                B

(   )1.Are they monkeys?                           A. Size 6.

(   )2.What size?                                    B. Yes, they are .

(   )3.Is this the library?                           C. It's cool.

(   )4.What's the weather like today?    D. It's ten o'clock.

(   )5.What's time is it now?                        E. Yes, it is.


1、What colour is it?(翻译成中文)


2、Let’s play basketball. (翻译成中文)


3、are, how, the, much, books ,music (?)(连词成句)


4、today, warm, is, it,and,cloudy(.)(连词成句)



_____  _____  my        .


(1) I'm Mike. I'm in Shanghai. It's very hot and sunny now. I can wear my new T-shirt. And my old hat is too small. I want to buy a new one. But it's too expensive. It's fifty yuan.

(    )1.Mike is in Shanghai.

(    )2.Mike has a new T-shirt.

(    )3.The hat is forty yuan.

(    )4.It's sunny in Shanghai.

(    )5.Mike’s old hat is too big.

(2)My name is Amy. I’m a student. I get up at 6:00. I eat breakfast at 7:00. Now, it’s 7:30. It’s time to go to school. It’s 3:45. It’s time for PE class. My P.E teacher is Mr. White.

(     ) 1. It’s___ . It’s time to get up.

A. eight o’clock  B. six o’clock   C. six fifteen

(     ) 2. She goes to school at ____.           .

A. seven thirty  B. seven o’clock   C. seven twenty

(     ) 3. It’s 3:45.  It’s time for ____ .

A. breakfast   B. computer class        C. PE class

(     )4. Who’s  her  PE teacher?

A. Miss Liu   B. Miss White    C. Mr. White

(     )5. What is Amy?  She′s a ___.            .

A. teacher    B. student      C. farmer

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