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如今,许多国际场合都使用英语做为沟通媒介。威廉希尔app 为大家准备了四年级英语下册期末检测试题,希望能对大家有所帮助。


(四年级英语  时限60分钟)

学校              班级              姓名

一 、选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内(12分)

(    ) 1. A. Kate     B. lake    C. skate   D. bag

(    ) 2. A. snack   B. grape       C. hamburger     D.sandwich

(    ) 3. A. bed   B.he        C. green    D. three

(    ) 4. A. Chinese  B. kite    C. white      D. fish

(    ) 5. A. home   B. close    C. coffee      D. nose

(    ) 6. A. dogs     B. grapes    C. hamburgers  D. jeans


1. 在晚上___________           2. 在周六 ______________

3. 喜欢数学____________        4. 在河上   _______________

5. 又累又渴 _____________      6. take care  _________________

7. a bad cold ___________         8. so difficult____________

9. Good idea.______________      10. Don’t be sad._______________


1.我喜欢语文和美术。        l like       and      .

2.苏海有一节游泳课。       Su Hai       a               .

3.他的衬衫太大。                  is too      .

4.我可以和杨玲通电话吗? May  I                Yang Ling?


1.I have a             (swim) lesson this evening.

2. Mary           (have) lunch at school every day.

3. It’s too           (cold) .Open the door,please.

4. This is Miss Li           (speak).

5. Look! My gloves         (be) so big.

6. Can you _____________(come) to school tomorrow?

7. We can see three          (apple)trees in the picture.

8. ----My shorts are too short.    ----Try          (they).

9. It’s my            (brother) birthday today.

10. How many _____________ (lesson)do you have this morning?

五、选择题 (20分)

(    ) 1. He usually watches TV       night.

A. with    B. at    C. in    D. to

(    ) 2. It’s nine o’clock. It’s time ___________.

A. to bed   B. for go to bed C. to go to bed  D. go to bed

(    ) 3. Would you like         pies?

A. any    B. a    C. an   D. some

(    ) 4. It’s cold. We can make            .

A. snowman   B. snowmen  C. snowmans  D. a snowmen

(    ) 5. – May I speak to Helen?        –Yes. _________Helen speaking.

A. I’m  B. this is   C. This is   D. That is

(    ) 6. – What  colour is your         ? ---White.

A. jeans    B. shorts   C. socks   D. shirt

(    ) 7. Let’s go            .

A. boat             B. boating  C. a boat  D. boats

(    ) 8. I’m thirsty. I want               .

A. a pie  B. to eat a pie   C. have some water D. to have some water

(    ) 9. My pencil is too short, but your pencil is        .

A. big   B. long   C. short   D. small

(    )10. –        shoes are they?

–  __________Helen’s.

A. Who’s   it’s      B. Whose    It’s

C. Who’s   they’re     D. Whose    They’re


Ⅰ                                     Ⅱ

(    ) 1. Can you swim?                      A. It’s my sister’s.

(    ) 2. Would you like to come to my party?     B. I have a cough.

(    ) 3. What’s the matter?                    C. Yes, I can.

(    ) 4. Whose dress is this?                 D. I’d love to.

(    ) 5. How are you?                       E. It’s eight.

(    ) 6. Are you hungry?                     F. No, I’m not.

(    ) 7. What time is it?                     G. Here’s a long one.

(    ) 8. My pencil is too short.                H. Not so good.


(    )It’s nice. But it’s too big for you. Whose is it?

(    ) All right.

(    ) It’s my sister’s.

(  1 ) Hi, Yang Ling. Look at this dress.

(    ) OK. Thank you.

(    )Look! Here’s a new one. Try it, please.

(    )Wow! It’s nice. Let’s go to the party now.


Sarah: May I come in, doctor?

Doctor: Come in and sit down, please.

Sarah: Thank you.

Doctor: What’s the matter?

Sarah: I have a fever and a bad cough.

Doctor: Open your mouth and let me have a look.

Sarah: Ah…

Doctor: OK, I see. You have a cold. Here are some pills for you. Please drink more hot water and stay in bed for a few days. You will get better soon.

Sarah: Thank you,doctor.

(    ) 1. Sarah is ______  now.

A. in the classroom     B. in the hospital    C.in the playground

(    ) 2. Sarah has            .

A. a headache   B. a cold           C. a toothache

(    ) 3. The doctor gives           to Sarah.

A. some pills      B. some fruit          C. a glass of water

(    ) 4. The doctor wants Sarah to                .

A. go to school       B. stay in bed              C. go to the park

(    ) 5. Sarah should                  .

A. drink more coffee B. drink more hot water  C. drink more juice

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