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一、 听录音,标序号(10分)。
   (  )    (  )      (  )       (  )      (  )
   (  )    (  )      (  )      (  )      (  )
二、 听音,判断与图片内容相符的划“√”,不相符 画“× ”  
1. (  )   2. (  )      3. (  )     4. (  )    5. (  )
   (   )1. A. It’s on the first floor.  B. It’s so big.
   (   )2. A. Forty-five     B. I can see twenty-five.
   (   )3. A. It’s five clock        B. It’s cloudy.
   (   )4. A. Yes, you can.         B. No, he can’t.
   (   ) 5.A. It’s big.             B. It’s cold.

   (   )1. A first      B  second      C    forty 
   (   )2. A class      B  lunch       C  dinner 
(   )3. A cold        B  warm        C  art 
(   )4. A music       B  P.E.       C  library
   (   )5. A breakfast   B  playground   C art room

二、 按要求把右栏前的序号填在左栏前的括号内
    1.(   )long (反义词)              a. it
    2.(   )my(对应词)               b. potatoes
    3 .(    ) sheep(复数形式)            c. that  
    4. (    ) hot (反义词)               d. sheep
    5.(   )is(复数形式)              e. your
    6.(   )this(对应词)               f. are
    7. (    ) potato(复数形式)           g. short
    8. (    ) they(单数形式)             h. cold三、单选题,在括号内填序号。(10分) 
(   )1.  Look at those boots.  How much ____ they ?  
      A. is           B. are
(   )2.  This is my father. He looks very_______
     A. long          B. strong
(   )3.  Can I wear my shirt?  Yes, you _______.   
    A. can             B. can’t
(   )4.  It’s snowy in Harbin. It is very_____, too.  
   A.  cold           B.  hot 
(   )5.  What’s the weather like _______ Beijing?
   A. on             B. in     
(   )6.  ____shoes are they?  They are my brother’s.
     A. Whose          B.  Where
(   )7.  How many ______are there in your family?
    A.  students         B.  Pen
(   )8.  It is five o’clock. It’s time ____go home.   
    A. for              B.  to  
(   )9.  They’re my uncles. They’re _____.
   A. pears            B. doctors 
(   )10.  What are ______? They are cucumbers.
    A. this                B. these     

四、B栏里找出A栏的正确答句。( 10 分 )
(     ) 1. Are they your ducks?          
(     ) 2. What is the weather like today ?
(     ) 3. What time is it now?     .  
(     ) 4.  How many horses are there?             
(     ) 5. Where is the teacher’s office?
 (     ) 6. What are these ?     
A.  It’s on the first floor.    B.  No , they aren’t . 
C. It’s cloudy and cool     D.  They are hens . 
E.   It’s three o’clock.  F.  There are four.

五、连词成句( 12 分 )
1、clour , it , is, What
2、today , warm , is , It
3、for , It , time , math , is , class
 _____________________________ .
4、this, Is , T-shirt , your,
5、it , much , is  , How 
6.How , horses  are , there, many 
_________________________________ ? 
(6 )26degrees!That’s cold!
(1 )Hi,Chenjie!This is Mark.
(  )It’s 26 degrees.    
(  )What’s the weather like in USA?
(  )It’s rainy.How about Beijing?
(  )Hi,mark!
(  )No, it isn’t, it’s warm.

My name is John. I’m 12. I like sports very much. I get up at 7:00 today. Oh, it’s time for breakfast. I wear a yellow T-shirt with the blue shorts.  At 7:50, I go to school with Mike. We are classmates. Our classroom is on the first floor. It’s big and nice. There are two blackboards, four fans, six lights and many desks and chairs in it.  We love our school very much.  
(    ) 1.John likes math very much.
(    ) 2.John gets up at 7:50.  
(    ) 3.John wears a yellow T-shirt with the blue shorts.  
(    ) 4.The art room is on the first floor.
(    ) 5.There are six lights in John’s classroom. 
一、 听录音,标序号。
1.It’s time for English!
2.It’s cloudy !
3.What’s the weather like ?It’s windy.
4.It’s hot today!
5.It’s time for P.E. Class.Let’s play football.
6.It’s 7:00pm.It’s time for dinner.
7.Is it sunny?No,it’s rainy.
This is the 
 二、听音,判断与图片内容相符的划“√”,不相符 画“× ”
1.Go to the library read some books.
2.Time for breakfast,drink some milk.
3.It’s 9:00p.m..It’s time to go to bed!
4.Is it cloudy?No it isn’t.It’s sunny.
5.Go to the playground play football.
8.It’s time for music!  
9.It’s cold outside.
   1. Where is the art room?
   2. How many students are there in your class?
   3. What time is it?
   4. Can I have some soup?  
   5.What’s the weather like today?
笔试部分一、CACCA二、gedhfcba 三、1-5BBAAB 6-10AABBB四、BCEFAD   五、1.What clour is it? 2.It is warm today.3.It is time for math class. 4.This is your T-shirt.  5. How much is it? 6.How many horses are there? 六、6153827七、FFTFT

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