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三、听录音,根据录音内容圈出正确的图画,每题读两遍  (10分)                                                                     
四、听录音,判断,画“   ”和“ ”,每题读两遍。(10分) 
What's the weather like today? Oh! It's         and         . I can wear my new          and T-shirt. Today is          . I can wear my         , T-shirt and a pair of sneakers. Because I like to fly a kite.  
A. I want a pair of sneaker for my son.    
B. It's cold today. 
C. Is this your T-shirt?      
D. It's on the third floor. 
E. What time is it? 
A: Good morning, Sarah. Can I help you?
B: Yes. I want a pair of slippers.  
A: What size? Size 34 or size 35?
B: No, no, no. They're too small. The slippers are for my mother.
A: How about size 36?
B: Yes, they're all right. How much are they?
A: Fifteen yuan. 
B: I also want a shirt and a jacket. How much are they?
A: The shirt is twenty yuan. And the jacket is thirty yuan.
B: I'll take them.    
四、Look and match.把图片与所对应的单词连起来。 (6分)  

A: Welcome to our school. This way, please. Let's go to the first floor. Look! This is the music room.
B: It's beautiful. They are singing.
A: That is the TV room.
B: Cool. You can watch TV there.
A: Yes. Let's go to the second floor. Look! This is the art room.
B: Look at the picture. It's nice.
A: This is the computer room. I like playing games.
B: Wonderful! Excuse me, where is the washroom?
A: Oh, it is on the second floor.
B: Thank you!
Look at my new clothes. They are beautiful.
1. This is my sweater. It's orange.
2. This is my jacket. It's purple.
3. This is my dress. It's white.  
4. These are my shorts. They are blue.
5. Those are my shoes. They are brown. 
6. This is my skirt. It's pink.
7. That is a shirt. It's red.
8. These are my jeans. They are green.
9. Those are my pants. They are black.
10. This is a T-shirt. It's yellow. 
1. Read a book.
2. Time for dinner. Eat some rice.
3. Put away your sweater.
4. This is my dress.
5. Hold on to your hat.
6. Take your rain coat.
7. Let's make a snowman. 
8. Splash in the puddles.
9. Shear a sheep.
10. Time for English. Read and write.
(1-5A A B A A   6-10 A A B A A)
四、听录音,判断,画“      ”和“       ”,每题读两遍。 
1. It's 7:00. It's time to get up.
2. It's 12:10. It's time for lunch.
3. What time is it? It's 6:30. It's time for dinner.
4. It's time for breakfast. It's time 8:00.
5. I go to school at 7:25. 
What's the weather like today? Oh! It's  warm  and  sunny . I can wear my new  pants  and T-shirt. Today is  windy. I can wear my  jeans , T-shirt and a pair of sneakers. Because I like to fly a kite.
dre ss        computer        sno wy         picture
sho es        pig                 je ans           watermelon
D E C A B 
四、dress=连衣裙   boots=长统靴  music class=音乐课   onion=洋葱  cucumber=黄瓜  lamb=小羊羔     
Hens   horse    lamb   cow   sheep

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