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Ⅰ. Read, choose and translate. 我会做。(选择合适的字母或字母组合补全单词,并在后面括号中写出单词的汉意。) (10分)
(     )1.ta______        A. ce     B. ll       (       )
 (     )  2.col____         A. d      B. t       (       )
(     )3. cl___udy        A.o       B. a      (       )
(     )4. foo_____all      A.tb      B.ay      (       )
(     )5.h______by       A.ow     B. ob      (       )
(     )6.scien_____       A.se      B. ce      (       )
Ⅱ. Read and choose. 我会圈。(圈出不同类的一项)(12分)

Ⅲ.Read and choose. 选出与所给单词同类的一项。(将选项写在题前括号内)(16分)
(   )1.A. Chinese       B. art        C. subject
 (    ) 2.A.your          B.I           C. my 
 (    ) 3.A.favourite       B. PE         C. music 
 (    ) 4.A.science        B. like         C. English     
(     )5.A. dance       B. Monday       C. play
(     )6.A. have        B. erhu          C. piano 
(     )7.A. Friday       B. Tuesday       C. often
(     )8.A. like         B. basketball      C. football
(   )9. A. science      B. English      C. teacher
(   )10.A. friend     B. good        C. father
Ⅳ.Read and count. 给星星排排队。(根据星星身上的星期,给星星按顺序排排队,只写选项)(20分)

Ⅴ. Read and choose. 判断划线部分读音是否相同,圈出相应符号。

Ⅵ. Read and match .对号入座。(将单词与对应图片连线)(18分)
1. read                       A.  
2. snow                       B.  
3. summer                     C. 
4. cook                        D.       
5. Chinese                     E.  
6. docter                       F. 

时间:90分钟  满分:100分                
Ⅰ. Read and translate .英语汉语对对碰。(根据英语句子,选择正确的汉语,将正确选项写在题前括号里)(10分)

(     )  1. What subjects do we have today?    
(     )  2.  My hobby is play the erhu .
(     )  3.  We  have  PE  on  Tuesday.
(     )  4.  It’s  hot  in  summer .
(     )  5.  We  can  go  skating in  winter .        
(     )  6.  How’s  the  weather  in  Beijing ?     
(     )  7.  It’s  swowing .   
(     )  8.  Let’s  go  home . .
(     )  9.  She  is  an  art  teacher .   
(     )  10. I  am  running .
Ⅱ. Read and choose .问答语对对碰。(根据问句,选择正确的答语,将选项写在题前括号内) (20分)
(    ) 1. Is that your father ?                    A. She’s a farmer .
(    ) 2.How is the weather in Harbin ?           B. It’s sunny.
(    ) 3.What are you doing ?         C. I’m writing an email to Tom.
(    ) 4.What does your mother do ?              D. I like summer .
(    ) 5.What season do you like ?                E. No.
(    ) 6.What day is today ?                     F. I like dancing .
(    ) 7.What do you do on Saturday ?      G. We have English today .
(    ) 8.What’s your hobby ?                H. Hold on , please .
(    ) 9.What subjects do we have today?          I. It’s Wednesday.
(    ) 10.May I speak to Li Ming ?         J. I often play basketball.
Ⅲ. Read and judge. 我是外交官。(判断英语句子与汉语意思是‘√’否‘×’一致) (12分)
1. Put on your raincoat.          穿上你的外套。       (      )
2. He’s a cook.他是一名厨师。          (      )
3. I’ m writing an email .    我正在写一封信。          (      )
4. I have science today .   我今天上的英语课。           (     )
5. May I have a look?   我可以看一看吗?           (     )
6. He  likes  playing  the  erhu .  他喜欢弹钢琴。 (     )
Ⅳ. Read and choose.单项选择。
(   )1、—Jim,Tom is calling. — __________ . 
      A、I’m coming.     B、Angel is coming.      C、Sorry.
(   )2、My mother _____ long hair .
A 、has        B、have       C、does
(    ) 3、It’s will snow in Tianjin. _____ Beijing?
A、How   B、What about  C、What
(    )4. Winter  is         .
        A. cool            B. cold              C. hot
(    ) 5. Danny  often           on  Friday .
         A. dances          B. dance           C. play
(     ) 6. She  likes  playing            piano .
          A.  a            B.           C. the
(     ) 7. ——Do  you  like  computer  studies ?
           ——                      . 
           A. Yes , I am    B. Yes , I do     C. Yes , I like

Ⅴ.Read and translate . 写出下列句子的汉语意思。
1.This  is  Tom  speaking .
2.She  works  in  a  hospital .
3.Let’s  climb  the  hill .
4.I  often  fly  my  kite .
5.I  can  dance  on  Friday .
6.Do  you  like  running ?
7. We  make  things  in the  art  room .
8.He’s  cooking  now .
Ⅵ. Read and make the sentences. 连词成句。 
1. My    has    short    father      hair  . 
2. Let’s   to    park     the     go .   
3. weather   tomorrow    the   How’s   ?   
4. I    kite    fly     often    my  .
5. often    on   draw   I   pictures    Monday . 

时间:90分钟  满分:100分               

(    )1、你给李明打电话,接电话的是他姐姐,他姐姐让你等一下,她会说:_______
A. Hold on,please.     
B. May I speak to Ling Ming?
(    )2、郭阳想叫你一起去打球,你同意了,你会说:_______
A. Sorry!             B. OK!
(    )3、Jenny给Tom打电话,Jenny 说:_______
A. Hello! This is Tom speaking.
B. Hello! This is Jenny speaking.  
(    )4、当你询问你可以和李明通话吗,你会说:_______
A. May I talk to Li Ming?           
B. May I speak to Li Ming?
(    )5、你问Danny,他可以和你一起出去打球吗,你会问:_______
A. Let’s go and play basketball.
B. Shall we go and play basketball?
(    )6、Danny 想知道你的头发是长还是短,你回答:_______
A. I have short hair.     B. You have short hair.
(    )7、郭阳想知道你的爸爸是干什么工作的,你回答:_______
A. She is a nurse.       B. He is a policeman.
(    )8、你想知道Grace的姐姐在哪工作,她告诉你:_______
A. She is cute.         B. She works in a hospital.
(    )9、你看见美术室里挂着一幅漂亮的油画,你会说:_______
A. How cute!           B. How beautiful!
(    )10、你问李明,他的哥哥是干什么工作的,你会问:_______
A. What does your brother do, Liming?
B. Where is your brother,Liming?
(     11.Tom 对Guo Yang 说该上课了,他会说:             
            A.It’s  time  for  school .
            B.  It’s  time  for  class .
  (     ) 12. Jenny 问Denny 周日经常干什么,Denny回答说:        
           A. What  do  you  do ?
           B. I  often  make  things .
  (     ) 13. Wang Hong 对Lingling 说“一起回家吧!”Lingling会说:       
           A. OK!
           B. No , I  am  not .
  (     ) 14. Guo Yang 问Lily周六经常干什么,他会问:           
           A. What  day  is  today ?
           B. What  do  you  often  do  on  Saturday , Lily ?
  (      )15.李明说他星期天经常弹钢琴,他会说:                          
           A. I  often  play  the  piano  on  Sunday .
           B.I  often  play  football  on  Sunday .  
(     ) 16.Tom 想知道你是否喜欢数学,他会问:                      
             A.What  do  you  like ?
             B.Do  you  like  maths?
(     ) 17. 你想知道你今天上什么课,你会问:                            
            A.What  subjects  do  we  have  today ?
            B.What  subjects  do  they  have  today ?
(     ) 18. 你们班来了一位新同学,叫李明,你介绍他时应说:     
               A.This  is  Li  Ming .
               B.This  is  Li  Ming , our  new  classmate .
(     ) 19. Danny问你上的科目是什么,你回答说:               
            A.I  have  science .
            B.It’s  science .
(   )20. 你对Jenny 说,该上学了,你会说:
           A. It’s  time  for  school .
           B. Let’s  go  home .
(      ) 21. Danny 问你今天是星期几,他会问:
          A. What  day  is  today ?
          B. What  is  it ?
(      ) 22. Tom 想知道你阿姨的爱好,你回答:
          A. What’s  your  aunt’s  hobby ?
          B. She  likes  swimming .
(      ) 23. Guo Yang 问一周有几天,你回答:
          A. We  have  four  days  in  a  week .
          B. We  have  seven  days  in  a  week . 
 (     ) 24. Tom问你最爱的科目是什么,你回答说:               
A. I  have  science .
B. It’s  science .
 (     ) 25.  Daming 问Lily夏天穿什么衣服,Lily回答说:        
          A. It’s  summer .
          B. I often wear T-shirt .
(    )26.Lily 问你今天星期几,她应该怎么问:                         
A. What day is today ?
B. What is today ?
(    )27.你要问山东的天气怎样,怎么问:                            
A. How’s the weather in Shandong ?
B. What’s the weather in Shandong ?
(    )28..你想说我的爱好是跳舞,怎么说:                         
A. My hobby is dancing .
B. My favorite is dancing .     
时间:90分钟  满分:100分               

Ⅰ. Read and choose .我会选。
Next week is a holiday. Sam will play football on Monday. Amy will play the flute on Wednesday. Daming will fly kites on Friday. Lingling will visit her grandma on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday, Sam, Amy ,Lingling and Daming will have a picnic. They will take some food and some toys.
(   )1. Sam will play football on __________.
       A. Tuesday      B. Monday        C. Saturday
(   )2._________ will play the flute on Wednesday.
       A. Lingling   B. Amy    C. Sam
(   )3. They will _________ on Sunday.
       A. go to park   B. go swimming   C. have a picnic
(   )4. Will they go to school next week? 
A. Yes, they will. B. No, they won’t. 
C. No, they aren’t.
(    )5. They will take some              .
        A. water        B. food and toys      C. book
Ⅱ.Read and answer questions .阅读短文,回答下列问题。
Good evening! Welcome to the weather forecast. It will be rainy in Beijing. It will be windy in Shanghai. In Fuzhou it will be very hot. In Chengdu it will be sunny. In Nanchang it will be cold.
1. What will the weather be in Beijing?
2. Will it be hot in Fuzhou?
3. Will it be cold in Nanchang?
4. Will it rain in Shanghai?
5. What will the weather be in Chengdu?
Ⅲ.Read and judge.阅读短文并判断。
Hello, I’m Kate. I’m a teacher. I’m tall and thin. I like music and sports. I often read story-books. 
Look, this is my family photo. I have a brother. We are good friends. He is twenty-nine. He is strong. He is a driver. He likes milk very much.  
1. Kate is a doctor .    (       )
2. Kate is short .      (       )
3. Kate likes science and music .  (       )
4. Kate’s brother likes rice very much .  (       )
5. Kate’s brother is thirty .  (       )
Ⅳ. Read and circle. 我会圈。(认真读短文,圈出短文中能表示星期的单词)
Last week is a holiday. On Monday it was sunny. I played basketball with my friends. On Tuesday I went swimming. On Wednesday I visited my uncle. He is an Englishman. On Thursday I went to the park with my sister. On Friday, I helped my mother. On weekends, I played computer games.
Ⅴ. Read and judge. 公正裁判。(根据对话内容,判断对‘√’错‘×’。把答案写在题前括号)
Danny: What do you want to do, Jenny ?
Jenny: Let’s go shopping!
Danny: OK. Where ?
Jenny: Let’s go to the clothes shop. I want to buy a new skirt. 
Danny: What color do you like?
Jenny: I like pink.
Danny: I don’t want to buy a skirt, I want to buy a shirt. Look, my shirt is old ,I need a new shirt.
Jenny: What color do you like?
Danny: I like blue.
Jenny: OK, let’s go!
(   )1. Jenny and Danny want to go to the clothes shop.
(   )2. Danny wants to buy a new skirt.  
(   )3. Jenny wants to buy a new shirt.
(   )4. Jenny likes a blue skirt.
(   )5. Danny’s shirt is old.
Ⅵ. Read and judge. 根据短文判断对错。
 Mike is my friend. He’s thirteen. He is English. We are in the same(同一个) school. We are not in the same class. His father Mr Black is a driver. He is forty. His mother is not a driver. She is a nurse. She is forty-three. Mike has (有) a sister. Her name is Alice. She is twenty-two. She is a new teacher at our school.
  (    )1.  Mike is thirteen.
  (    )2.  Mike and I are in the same class.
  (    )3.  Mr Black is a worker.
  (    )4.  Mike‘s mother is a driver.
  (    )5.  Alice is English.  

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