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听  力   部   分
一: 听录音,将你所听到的单词或数字的编号写在前面的括号里。(10分)
(  )1:A: spoon    B: school        (   )2: A: milk     B: music
(  )3: A: bread     B: black         (   )4: A: fish      B: beef
(  )4: A: water     B: wall          (   )6: A: fork      B: soup
(  )7:A: chicken    B: kitchen       (   )8: A: dinner    B: lunch
(  )9:A: 5         B: 15           (   )10: 13        B: 30
Chen jie          
(   )       (   )     (   )       (   )    (   )

1、----What would you like?   ---I’d like some          and           .
2、---Can I have some        , please? ---Sure. Here you are.
3、I like          and          s for breakfast.
4、---Do you like          ? ---Yes, I do.
5、Pass me                   , please.
6、You can have some         and          for dinner.
(   )1、A、I have some chicken.      B、I’d like some noodles.      
C、Here’s some juice.  
(   )2、A、I like apples.   B、Thank you.   C、Yes. Pass me a spoon, please.
(   )3、 A、Sure. Here you are.  B、They’re on the table.   C、I have some hamburgers.
(   )4、A、Pass me two chopsticks.     B、Wait and see.    C、What a big dinner!
(   )5、A、They’re in the kitchen.  B、I like it.      C、It’s on the plate.
1: (   )                           2: (   )

   A          B                      A           B
3: (   )                            4: (   )  

    A            B                    A           B
   (   )Everything’s ready.           (   )I like Chinese food.
(   )What a big breakfast !         (   )Let me show you.
(   )I can use chopsticks.           (   )We had a good time.
(   )Help yourself.                (   )You can’t eat so much !
笔   试   部   分
八: 找出不同类的单词.  (10分)
(   ) 1: A: plate        B: spoon         C: vegetable
(   ) 2: A: fridge       B: sofa           C: table
(   ) 3: A: chopstick    B: noodles        C: fork 
(   ) 4: A: soup        B: study          C: bedroom   
(   ) 5: A: egg         B: beef           C: duck

(    )1、What would you like for breakfast?
(    )2、Can I help you?
(    )3、How much is the juice?
(    )4、Can I have some vegethables, please?
(    )5、Let’s clean the classroom.
十、 阅读理解,判断句子的正误,对的写“√”,错的写“×”。(10分)
     Mom: What would you like for dinner, Amy?
     Amy: I'd like some noodles and vegetables.
Mom: What about you, Mike?
     Mike: I'd like some soup and two hamburgers..
Mom: Would you like some dessert(甜品)?
     Amy: Yes, I’d like some ice-cream. How about you, Mike?
Mike: No, thanks.
(   )1、Amy would like some noodles, vegetables and ice-cream.
(   )2、Mike would like some soup and three hamburgers.
(   )3、Ice-cream is dessert.
(   )4、Mike would like some dessert.  
(   )5、Amy would like some dessert. 

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