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最让我快乐的是什么?是学习,接下来看看威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的四年级下册英语期中考试卷外研版,即使在家里也能快乐的学习呀!


( )1. A watch B wash C water

( )2. A choose B shoes C whose

( )3. A choose B cheese C cheap

( )4. A clap  B climb C clock

( )5. A playing B painting C clapping

( )6. A drum B piano C violin

( )7. A reading B riding C report

( )8. A paper B perfect C cheap

( )9. A scary B scared C bored

( )10. A machine B manager C medicine


( )1. A Don’t talk here.  B Don’t walk here.

( )2. A It costs 2100 yuan. B It costs 1200 yuan.

( )3. A Tilly saw a hat.   B Tilly saw a cat.

( )4. A Amy was very proud. B Amy was very sad.

( )5. A It’s Mother’s Day. B It’s my mother’s birthday

( )6. A. Don’t walk on the grass. B. Don’t write in the book.

( )7.A. This computer is beautiful. B. The machine is expensive.

( )8.A. Tom is singing. B. What’s happening now ?

( )9.A. I was very nervous. B. I played the piano.

( )10.A. The boy ran to the village . B. They said, “Don’t tell lies!”


( )1.A. ran away B. looked after C. shouted

( )2. A. bored B. bad C. laughed

( )3. A. played B. finished C.bought

( )4. A. break B. broke C. think

( )5. A. tell lies B. walk away C. angry

四、听录音,请在录音内容相符的图片下打√ 。10分

1. ( ) ( )

2. ( ) ( )

3. ( ) ( )

4. ( ) ( )

5. ( ) ( )


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( ) 1. The boy ____ to the village . A. ran B. run

( ) 2. He ____ , “ Wolf , wolf !” A. shout B. shouted

( ) 3.There ____ no wolf . A. was B. is

( ) 4.The boy _____. A. laughed B. laugh

( ) 5. The people ___,”Don’t ____ lies! ”

A. said, told B. said, tell



( )1. Don’t _____on the grass!

A walks B walk C walking

( )2. It’s difficult ______choose.

A in B to C for

( )3. She stayed at home and______her baby.

A looked after B looks like C look like

( )4. It_____a violin.

A look like B looks like C look likes

( )5. How did you go there? I went there______.

A buy plane B by plane C with plane

( )6. Pipa is a Chinese_______.

A food B animal C instrument

( )7. The people didn’t______to the field.

A ran B runned C run

( )8. This computer is good______computer games.

A in B to C for

( )9. Tilly_____the door and _____away.

A broke run B breaks ran C broke ran

( )10. We are______a party.

A having B have C has


( )1. What is cheap? A She wen there by bus.

( )2. What did she buy? B He’s watching TV.

( )3. How did Tina go there? C A pen is cheap.

( )4. What’s Tom doing? D She bought a new book.

( )5. Did your mom play the violin? E Yes, she did.


was costs having went played

1. 1.It___ one thousand yuan.

2. Sam_________the flute last Sunday.

3. Once upon a time, there ___ a boy.

4.We’re _______ a party.

5. She _______ into a shop yesterday.


1. walk/ the/ grass/ don’t / on

2.beautiful / computer/ this / is

3.ran /to / the/ the /boy /village

4. having /party/ we’re/ a

5. dad /played / the /erhu






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