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最让我快乐的是什么?是学习,接下来看看威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的四年级英语下册期中测试,即使在家里也能快乐的学习呀!


1、river 2、wall

3、car 3、girl


1、sea/si:/(同音词) 2、too(同音词)

3、homework(复数) 4、teacher(复数)

5、one(序数词) 6、two(序数词)

7、is not(缩写形式) 8、cool(反义词)

9、hot(反义词) 10、any(同义词)


1、The computer room is on the s floor.

2、Itʼs 7 oʼclock .Itʼs time for b . I would like milk and bread.

3、A:Is it warm today?

B:No,it isnʼt .Itʼs very c .

4、Itʼs r outside .Take(带) your umbrella(雨伞).

5、Itʼs time for m class. Letʼs sing and dance.

6、Itʼs time for PE class . Letʼs go to the p .

Ⅳ. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)

( )1、hair A.手 B.头发 C. 头 D.恨

( )2.strong A.力气 B.上进心 C.年轻的 D.强壮的

( )3.glasses A.太阳 B.女孩 C.眼镜 D.玻璃

( )4.third floor A.地板 B.三楼 C.二楼 D.一楼

( )5.play football A.打手机 B.打电脑 C.打牌 D.踢足球

( )6、It̓s 7:10. It̓s time go to school.

A.at B. to C. for D. /

( )7、Itʼs 7:00 p•m • is ready.

A.Breakfast B.lunch C.Dinner D.Food

( )8. A: Do you have English class?


A.Yes,it is. B.Yes,we do. C.yes,we arenʼt. D.We donʼt have.

( )9.A:Whereʼs the computer room?

B. .

A.Itʼs on the first floor. B.Itʼs the teachersʼ office.

C.Itʼs a computer toom. D.Itʼs on the desk.

( )10.A.Can Jim fly a kite outside?

B. .

A.Itʼs windy. B.Yes,he can. C.Yes,I can. D.Itʼs cool.

Ⅴ. 问答配对。(每小题2分,共10分)

( )1.Do you have an artroom? A.Itʼs four oʼclock.

( )2.Is your teacher in the classroom? B.Yes,we do.

( )3.Is it cool and windy? C.Yes,he is.

( )4.What time is it? D.A blackboard and some desks.

( )5.Whatʼs in your classroom? E.No,it isnʼt.

Ⅵ. 选择句子补全对话。(共10分)

Sarah: .

Sarah: .

Peter:Thanks.Do you have a computer room?

Sarah: .It’s on the first floor.

Peter:Oh,so many computers. .

Sarah:Yes,it is. We have many books.

Peter: ?

Sarah:Oh,It’s 4 o’clock.It’s time to go home.

Peter: .

Sarah:Yes,it is.I have an umbrella.Go with me.



( )1.你想麻烦别人让一下,你应该说:

A.Sorry. B.Excuse me. C.Thank you. D.Ok.

( )2.有参观者到你们的学校参观,你应该说:

A.Welcome to our school. B.This way.please.

C.Welcome to our classroom. D.Welcome to our home.

( )3.你想知道教师办公室在哪里,你会问:

A.There is the teachers’ desk over there.

B.Where is the teachers’desk?

C.Where is the teachers’ office?

D.What’s in the teachers’ office?

( )4.北京多云,天气预报播音员说:

A.It’s cloudy in Beijing. B.It’s warm in Beijing.

C.It’s cold in Beijing. D.It’s sunny in Beijing.

( )5.你想知道现在几点钟?你应该说:

A.What time is it now? B.This time now.

C.What’s it now? D.When does it tell you now?

Ⅷ. Read and write。读句子,用所给词的正确形式填空(每小 题3分,共15分)

1、——Where is your office?

——It’s over there. This way, please.

2.——Is your classroom on the floor?

——Yes,it is.

3、—— you have a library ?

——Yes,we do.

4、——Have some lunch,Mike.

——Ok.Can I have soup?

5、——Sarah:What time is it now?

——Miss White:It’s 3:40. Time to .

A.goes B.go C.going D.be go

Ⅸ.Read and choose。完形填空选一选(共10分)

A:School 1 over.Let’s go to the playground.

B: 2 .

A: 3 is it now?

B:It’s 5 o’clock.

A:Time 4 go home.

B:What time is it?

A:It’s 6 o’clock.It’s time 5 dinner.

B:Oh,let’s go

( )1.A.has B.is C.are

( )2.A.Ok . B.No . C.Thanks.

( )3.A.What’s time B.What time C.How many

( )4.A.to B.for C.is

( )5.A.is B.to C.for


1.A:Where is the music room?

B: (它在一楼上).

2.A:Is this art room?

B: (肯定回答).

3.A:Zip:Can you read this?

B:Zoom: (当然行).

4.A:What’s the time=What time is it?

B: (下午三点钟).







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