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( )1.A. first B.second C.floor D.wall

( )2.A. library B.gym C.garden D. flower

( )3.A. breakfast B. get up C. go home D. o’clock

( )4.A. cold B. cloudy C. outside D. weather

( )5.A. degree B.hot C. warm D.cool


beautiful playground welcome breakfast snowy

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

office computer English sister library

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


4:30 P.E.

10:05 music class

3:00 go home

6:50 get up

12:00 lunch


( )1.A. We have a new computer room B.we have a new gym.

( )2.A. That is a blackboard B. This is a black bird.

( )3.A. They are books. B. Those are pens.

( )4.A. Just a minute B. Hurry up.

( )5.A. It’s on the first floor B. It’s on the second floor.


( )1. A. Yes, it is . B. Yes, I am.

( )2. A. It’s a book. B. They are books.

( )3. A. No, it isn’t B. Yes, I am.

( )4. A. It’s Amy B. It’s Mike’s.

( )5.A. It’s on the first floor B. It’s art room.



Is this the teachers’ office? No, it isn’t.

Time to go home , kids.


( )1. – What is it? --It’s 10:00.

A.weather B. time C. color

( )2. The library is the second floor.

A. in B. on C. at

( )3 .____ is the music room? -- It’s next to the art room.

A. What B. Who C. Where

( )4. It’s 12 o’clock, it’s time _______ lunch.

A. to . B. at C. for

( )5. It’s 9 o’clock. It’s time to __________.

A. go to bed B. go bed C. bed

( )6. Go to the ________ and play football.

A. library B. teachers’ office C. playground

( )7. Look _____ our computer room ,it’s new.

A. in B. on C. at

( )8. I go outside now ?

A. Is B. Do C. Can

( )9. It’s cold _______ snowy in Harbin.

A. but B. and C. or

( )10. What’s the weather ________ today?

A. like B. love C. Have


( )1. A. tiger B. computer C.dinner

( ) 2. A. girl B. first C. thirty

( ) 3. A. rainy B. sunny C. fly

( ) 4. A. car B. art C. arm

( ) 5. A.ball B. wall C. tall


⑴computer ⑵windy ⑶London ⑷English ⑸cool

⑹sunny ⑺Moscow ⑻snowy ⑼cold ⑽music

⑾art ⑿New York ⒀Beijing ⒁PE ⒂Sydney

① 城市类 ___________________________________

② 课程类 ___________________________________

③ 天气类 ___________________________________


( )1. What time is it ? A. Yes, it is.

( )2. Do you have a canteen? B. Yes , we do.

( )3. Is that an art room? C. Thirty one.

( )4. Go to the garden? D. It’s 10:20 .

( )5. How many students are there ? E.Water the flowers.

十一、阅读理解:根据上面短文的意思判断下面的句子是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”. (10分)

Today is Thursday(星期四). It’s sunny today. I get up at 6:30 in the morning. Then I have breakfast at seven. I go to school at 7:30. My classroom is on the second floor . It’s 10:00. It’s time for computer class. The computer room is on the first floor. I like computer class very much. It’s 3:00 now. It’s time for PE class. I clean the classroom at 4:10. Then I go home at 4:30. I go to bed at nine.

( ) 1. Today is windy.

( ) 2. I like music class very much.

( ) 3. I get up at 6:30 in the morning.

( ) 4. The computer room is on the second floor.

( ) 5. I go to bed at 9:00.



一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词。 BCBCD

1.second 2.garden 3.get up 4.outside 5.cool


2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1

1.library 2.beautiful 3.sister 4.playground 5.English

6.welcome 7.computer 8.breakfast 9.office 10.snowy


1. It’s 4:30, it’s time to go home.

2. It’s 10:05, it’s time for music class.

3. It’s 3:00, it’s tme for P.E.

4. It’s 6:50, it’s time to get up.

5. It’s 12:00, it’s time for lunch.


1. we have a new gym.

2.A. That is a blackboard.

3.They are books.

4. Hurry up.

5. It’s on the first floor


1. Is this your desk?

2. What’s this ?

3. Are you Chen Jie ?

4. Whose is this?

5. Where is the computer?

笔试答案:七、BBCCA CCCBA 八、对对错对对

九、城市:3 7 12 13 15

课程: 1 4 10 11 14

天气: 2 5 6 8 9


以上就是威廉希尔app 为各位同学们整理的四年级英语下册期中试卷,希望对大家有所帮助,同时也祝大家考试顺利!






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