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一. 选出你所听到的单词。(10分)

( )1. A. clever B. cute C. naughty

( )2. A.small B. big C. old

( )3. A. nice B. good C. great

( )4.A. clean B. dirty C. bad

( )5.A. a bit B. a little C. a lot



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


( )1.A. I was nine then. B. I am nine now.

( )2.A. Maomao is very nice. B. Maomao is very shy.

( )3. A. It’ will be windy in London. B. It will be rainy in London.

( )4. A. Robots can do the housework. B. Robots can’t do the housework..

( )5. A. They were young. B. They weren’t young.


四. 单项选择。将选项写在提前的括号里。(10分)

( ) 1. I will my mother at home tomorrow.

A. helping B. help C. to help

( ) 2. The panda is tall, but the monkey is .

A. thin B. small C. short

( ) 3. –It’s a big park in Sanya. What is it?

-- It’s .

A. Hyde Park B. Luhuitou Park C. Beihai Park

( ) 4. Friday, we’re going to go swimming.

A. On B. In C. on

( ) 5. Li Ming thin then , but he is fat now.

A. is B. was C.were


Rose: Hello,Toby. 1

Toby: Thank you.

Rose: Here’s your present.

Toby: 2

Rose: It’s a robot.

Toby: Oh, it looks good. What can it do?

Rose: 3

Toby: Can it fly?

Rose: 4 .Haha…..

Toby: Thank you. 5 .

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


1. Is it your house? A. No, I won’t.

2. Will you take your ball? B. Yes, they can.

3. Why don’t you go to school,Amy? C. No, it’s my uncle’s house.

4. What will you do on Friday morning? D. Because today is Saturday.

5. Can robots make cakes? E. I’ll visit the zoo.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

七. 词汇。选择适当的词填写在横线上。(10分)

1. The flowers are so 1 .I like them very much.

2.—Lily ,can you 2 the call now?

-- Ok, Mum .

3. The 3 tomorrow will be cloudy.

4. My grandpa is very 4 .

5. Next week is a 5 .

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


1. do , will , robots, everything ( . )

2. take , my , I’ll , new shoes ( . )

3. then , your hair , so long , was ( . )

4. nice , she’s , doctor , a ( . )

5. are going to , we , a picnic , have ( . )

九.选出与句意相符的图片。( 10分 )


( ) 1. –Thi s book is about China.

-- It’s very nice.

( ) 2.. We’re going to visit the Tian’anmen Square.

( ) 3. Robots can play football well.

( ) 4. This is Tower Bridge. I t’s very famous.

( ) 5. – Will it rain in Haikou tomorrow?

--Yes, it will.

十. 阅读理解。判断对错,对的写( T ),错的写( F )。( 10分 )

My name is Linda. Children’s Day is coming. It’s a holiday. Children don’t go to school. I’m going to visit Beijing with my family. Beijing is an old city. There are lots of famous places. We’re going to visit the Great Wall. I’ll be sunny and hot. I’ll take my cap. My little brother Tim will take his toy car . We’ll be very happy.

( ) 1. Linda will visit Beijing with her friends.

( ) 2. Beijing is a new city.

( ) 3. They’re going to visit the Great Wall.

( ) 4. It’ll be very cloudy in Beijing on Children’s Day.

( ) 5. Tim will take his toy car.

本文整理了四年级英语下册期中试卷,希望可以帮助到大家,祝大家在威廉希尔app 学习愉快。





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