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( )1.A.Chinese B.math C.music D.time

( ) 2.A.two B.to C.eight D.ten

( ) 3.A.go B.rice C.chicken D.milk

( ) 4.A.dinner B.lunch C.bread D.breakfast

( ) 5.A.clock B.home C.school D.classroom

( ) 6.A.ball B.card C.car D.tall

( ) 7.A.cold B.hot C.warm D.weather

( ) 8.A.white B.yellow C.dinner D.red

( ) 9.A.Playground B.gym C.library D.breakfast

( )10.A.26° B.15 C.13 D.14


1. What’s the like?

2. time is it?

3. will be warm in Dali.

4. you!

5. you have a library?


( )1.We have lunch 12:00 at school.

A.for B.at C.on

( )2.---- Mum,can I have some soup?

---- ,you can’t.

A.Cool B.Yes C.No

( )3.---- What time is it?

---- It’s 5:30 p.m. It’s time to _________.

A.get up B.go home C.go to school

( )4.----How many ______ are there in your class?


A.floor B.jeans C.students

( )5.----Is it cool?


A.It is B.it isn’t C.it’s not

( )6. We have ________ show today.

A.an B.a C.the

( )7. He __________ terrible.

A.lookes B.look C,looks

( )8. Amy is _________ the playground. Sarah is _________ the gym.

A.in , on B.in , in C.on , in

( )9. Mike goes to PE class ________ 10 o’clock on Monday.

A.at B.in C.on

( )10.----What time is it?

----It’s __________.

A.two ten B.second ten C.three ten


( )1.当你想问对方是不是有一台电脑时,说:

A.Do you have a computer? B.Is this your computer?

C.Is that your computer?

( )2.当你想问图书馆在哪儿时,说:

A.What’s the library? B.Where’s the library?

C.How’s the library?

( )3.当别人到你们学校参观时,你应说:

A.How are you? B.Nice to meet you!

C.Welcom to our school!

( )4.当上学迟到了,应对老师说:

A.I’m sorry. B.Excuse me. C.Nice to meet you1

( )5.现在7点了,当你想叫别人起床时,应说:

A.Wake up! It’s 7 O’clcok. B.Hurry up! It’s 7 O’clcok.

C.Look out! It’s 7 O’clcok.


1.Is there a ________ in your school?

2.It’s time for ________ clsss.

3.I like the ______.

4.Where is my ________?

5.It’s __________.


1.outside it’s cold .


2.on the first it’s floor .


3.it time class math is for .


4.how students many are there in your school ?


5.hot and sunny it’s here .



( )1.What time is it now?

( )2.Can I have some soup?

( )3.Where is the library?

( )4.Do you have a computer?

( )5.What’s the weather like?


( )Hi,are you OK?

( )Hello.

( )It’s cold here.What’s the weather like?

( )I have a cold.

( )It’s sunny and warm .


Look! Mike’s black sweater is in the library. His purple schoolbag is in the lunch room. His blue jacket is in the computer room. His orange shoes are on the playground. His white T-shirt is in the gym. Oh,what a careless Mike!

( )1.Mike’s sweater is in the lunch room.

( )2.Mike’s schoolbag is purple.

( )3.----Where’s Mike’s jacket?----It’s in the gym.

( )4.----What colour are Mike’s shoes?----They’re yellow.

( )5.----What’s in the gym?----It’s Mike’s T-shirt.

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的四年级下册英语期中试卷及答案,怎么样,大家还满意吗?希望对大家的学习有所帮助,同时也祝大家学习进步,考试顺利!






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