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Ee Hh Mm

Ss Vv


1. first floor _______ 2.起床_______ 3.go home__________

4.just a minute_________ 5.教师办公室__________


( )1. A. wall B. light C. garden

( )2. A. second B. first C. on

( )3. A. time B. ten C. eight

( )4. A. music B. art room C. music room

( )5. A. dinner B. math C. Chinese

四.找朋友,选择合适的汉语意思填到括号里。( 10分)

( ) 1、teacher’s office A、讲台 B、教师办公室 C、老师

( )2、floor A、地板 B、花 C、花园

( )3、second A、第一 B、第二 C、第三

( )4、谢谢 A. thank you B. No. C. You’re welcome

( )5、go home A、去学校 B、回家 C、去吧


( )1. Welcome ___ our school.

A. on B. to C. for

( )2. It’s ___ the second floor.

A. in B. at C. on

( )3. It’s time ___ go to school.

A. on B. in C. to【小学生期中试卷及答案

( )4. What ___ is it?—It’s two o’clock.

A.name B.colour C. time

( )5. It’s time ___ lunch.

A. to B. on C. for

( )6. Look ___ my book.

A. in B. at C. to

( )7. Let’s go and have ___ look.

A. to B. in C. a

( )8. This ___ my computer.

A. are B. is C. am

( )9. This is ___ play ground.

A. we B. our C. us

( )10. It’s on the ___ floor.

A. one B. two C. first


1. Is this a desk? A. It’s 8 o’clock.

2. Where is the computer room? B. Yes, it is.

3. How are you? C. I’m fine. Thank you.

4. Where are you from? D. It’s on the second floor.

5. What time is it? E. I’m from China.

七.连词成句. (10分)

1. the in What’s like London weather ?

2. Is teacher's desk this the ?

3. time What is it ?

4. o'clock It's seven .

5. time It's go to school to .


( )1.赞美朋友的学校时可以说:

A. Your school is beautiful. B. Thank you. C. Bye!

( )2.你想说“上英语课了”该说:

A.It’s time for English class. B.I have English class.

C. Yes, it is.

( )3.你想让你的朋友等一会该说:

A. I’m ready. B. Just a minute. C. Bye.

( )4.想知道几点了该问:

A. What time is it? B. How are you?

C. Where is the bag?

( )5.告诉同学放学了该说:

A. Time to go to school. B. School is over.【小学生期中试卷及答案

B. C.Let’s go to school.

九.阅读理解,判断对错。对的打√,错的打×. (10分)

Hello. I’m Amy. I get up at 6:00. Then I go to school.

My classroom is on the second floor. And my teacher’s office is on the third floor. Oh. It’s nine o’clock. It’s time for Chinese class.

( )1. The girl’s name is Sarah.

( )2. Amy’s classroom is on the second floor.

( )3. Her teacher’s office is on the second floor, too.

( )4. She gets up at 6:30.

( )5. She has Chinese class at 9:00.






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