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言语好的学生,其右脑的智商相对更高反应更灵敏,沟通更快捷易懂。威廉希尔app 为大家准备了四年级英语下册五单元测试题,希望能对大家有所帮助。


一、 给图片选单词,填序号。(12分)

1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

二、 给下列单词或短语选择正确的译文。(18分)

( )1、bus stop A.汽车 B.汽车站 C.停止

( )2、go home A.回去 B.回家 C.到达

( )3、see a film A.看电影 B.去电影院 C.一部电影

( )4、Children’s Day A.儿童 B.儿童节 C.儿童们

( )5、go to the hospital A.去医院 B.医院 C.诊所

( )6、dining room A.客厅 B.厨房 C.餐厅

三、 单项选择。(18分)

( )1、—Where you ?

—We are going home. A.are;go B. Are;going C. are;do

( )2、—Where is Li Shan going?

—She the shop. A.is going B.is going to C.is go to

( )3、They the bus stop. A.is going to B.are going to C.are going

( )4、—Are they going to the cinema?

—No, A.they are B.they aren’t C.they do

( )5、Tomorrow is . A.children’s day B.Children’s Day C. Children’s day

( )6、Is she going you A.with B.and C.for


1、They want to see a film,they are going to the .

2、He wants to buy a pencil,he is going to the .

3、We want to buy some books,we are going to the .

4、They want to fly a kite,they are going to the .

五、 判断下列的对话是( )否( )正确。(16分)

1、—Where is Su Nan going?

—He is going to the park. ( )

2、—Where is Lily going to go?—She is going to the hospital. ( )

3、—What are they going to do??—They are going to the cinema. ( )

4、—Are they going to the bookstore?—Yes,they are. ( )


1、I’m going to the bookstore.(对画线部分提问)

are you ?

2、He is going to buy a book. (对画线部分提问)

is he ?

3、Liu Zhaoyang is going to the hospital.(改为一般疑问句)

Liu Zhaoyang going to the hospital?

4、Are they going home?(作肯定回答)

Yes, .

5、 They are going to the shop. (对画线部分提问)

are they ?



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