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8. house is small My very (•)


9. little is my This sister (•)


10. you the Can answer call (?)



( )1. 他是一个聪明的小学生。

A. She is a naughty girl. B. He is a clever pupil.

( )2. 我家靠近女王的房子。

A. My house is close to the Queen’s house.

B. My school is close to the Queen’s ship.

( )3. 伦敦是一个大城市。

A. London is a big city. B. London is a small park.

( )4. 白金汉宫又大又美丽。

A. Buckingham Palace is very big and very beautiful.

B. Buckingham Palace is very old and very famous.

( )5. 他们将会做家务活。

A. They will do the homework. B. They will do the housework.

( )6. Sam会骑自行车。

A. Sam can fly a kite. B. Sam can ride a bike.

( )7. 星期六你会帮助妈妈吗?

A. Will you help your mother on Saturday?

B. Will you help your mother on Friday?

( )8. 星期六我们将去野餐。

A. We’re going to have a picnic on Saturday.

B. We’re going to have a class on Saturday.

( )9. 北京将是晴天。

A. It will be sunny in Beijing. B. It will be cloudy in Beijing.

( )10. 她是一个善良的老师。

A. She’s a nice teacher. B. She’s a clever teacher.


A. go swimming B. do my homework C. a naughty parrot

D. a clever girl E. a beautiful house

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

A. have a picnic B. read a book C. make cakes

D. be sunny E. play football


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