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英语是了解外界的必备因素.学好英语尤为重要,威廉希尔app 为大家准备了四年级英语下册第四单元测试题,希望大家认真答题。


一、 选择字母补全单词。(10分)

( )1、weed nd A.a B.e C.i ( )2、mount n A.ei B.ai C.en

( )3、f lm A.e B.i C.a ( )4、w sh A.o B.a C.e

( )5、s metimes A.i B.o C.a

二、 图文连连看。(10分)

1、 fly a kite

2、 do his homework

3、 see a film

4、 climb the mountain

5、 play basketball

三、 单项选择。(20分)

( )1、—What do you do on Sunday?

—I often . A.play the football B. play football C. plays football

( )2、What your mother do on Sunday? A.do B.does C.is

( )3、Lily often some washing. A.do B.does C.is

( )4、My father often plays football the weekend. A.on B.in C.at

( )5、—Do you often do your homework on Saturday?

—Yes,I . A.do B.does C.am

( )6、I see a film my mother. A.and B. for C.with

( )7、Let’s some exercise. A.do B.does C.doing

( )8、 your mother do some washing on the weekend? A.Do B.Does C.Is

( )9、She often a kite . A.fly B.flies C.flys

( )10、—Does your brother cook on Sunday?

—No,he . A.don’t B.isn’t C.doesn’t


1、 The boy often .

2、 —What does your mother do?

—She often .

3、 —Does she often ?

—Yes,she .

4、 —What do you do on Saturday?

—I my .

五、 对号入座。(12分)

1、—Does he often play basketball on Sunday?—

2、—What do you do on Saturday?—

3、—Does he often see a film?— He often runs.

4、—What does your brother do on the weekend?—


1、do What you do Sunday on (?)

2、often She does washing some (.)

3、mother about What your (?)

4、do often you exercise Do (?)


My name is Li Shan .I often dance on Sundays .My mother does some washing .And my father often climbs the mountain .What does my brother do?He often plays football .How happy we are!

( )1、There are people in my family. A.six B.five C.four

( )2、I often on Sundays . A.dance B.do some washing C. climb the mountain

( )3、My mother . A.dances B.does some washing C. sings

( )4、My father . A. does some washing B. climbs the mountain C. plays football

( )5、My brother . A.does his homework B.plays football C.dances



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