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三、 单选 (20%)

(    ) 1. How many lessons do you have ?    A. We are six.    B. We have six.    C. There are six.

(    ) 2. ______subject ______you like best? A. What ; are    B. What’s ;do     C. What; do

班级_______________   姓名_____________  学号_________

(    ) 3. Do you like music?

A. Yes, I like.          B. No, I’m not.             C. Yes , I do.

(    ) 4. What are they ?

A. It’s music and art.    B. We have music and art.    C. They are music and art.

(    ) 5.  How many lessons are there in a week?

A. We are thirty-six.    B. We have thirty-six.    C. There are thirty-six.

(    ) 6. There ______some water and orange in the bottle.  A. is     B. are    C. am

(    ) 7. ______ you like maths best ?                   A. Can   B. Are    C. Do

(    ) 8. What ______you do in English class? We speak and sing.

A. can               B. are                 C. do

(    ) 9. Do you study science?  -----   __________.

A. Yes, I like.         B. Yes, I do.             C. No, I’m not .

(    ) 10. What’s ______and twenty-three?  It’s one hundred.

A. seventy-six         B. eighty-seven         C. seventy-seven

四 、选择合适的答语。(10%)

(    ) 1. Do you like English?                        A. They are music and art.

(    ) 2 What subject do you like best?                 B.I like maths best .

(    ) 3. How many lesson do you have today?          C. Yes, I do.

(    ) 4. What do you do in English class?              D. We have six.

(    ) 5. What are they?                             E. We play and act.



B: We have four.


B: They are maths, Chinese English and art.


B :No, I don’t.


B:I like English best.


B: We do all kinds of things.



My name is Zhou Dan. I’m a Chinese girl. I’m twelve. I’m in Class 1,Grade 4. There are 49 students in our class—29 girls and 20 boys. We have six lessons every day. Today is Monday(周一).We have Chinese, maths, English and PE in the morning, and science and music in the afternoon. I like English best. Mr Zhao is our English teacher. He is nice to us. We do all kinds of things in English in his class.

(    )1. How old is Zhou Dan?           A.11       B.12       C.13

(    )2.There’re ________boys in her class.

A. forty-nine           B. twenty-nine         C. twenty

(    )3.How many lessons do they have on Monday morning?

A. Six                B. Four               C. Two

(    )4. Zhou Dan has _______ on Monday afternoon.

A. science and music    B. Chinese and maths    C. English and PE

(    )5. Mr Zhao is her ______ teacher.    A. Chinese      B. English    C.PE


1.听朗读,用A,B,C给下列每组图排序。将序号写在 ( ) 中(12%)

a.                                      b.

( B )   ( C )      ( A )          (  C  )    (  A  )   (  B   )

2. 选择听到的句子,将序号填入提前括号内。(8%)

(  A   ) 1. A. How many books are there on the desk?   B. How many books do you have?

(  B   ) 2 .A. What subject do you like?              B. What subject do you like best?

(  B   ) 3. A. We have fourteen books.               B. We have forty books.

(  A   ) 4. A. I like music.                         B. I don’t like music.


(  ×  )        ( √  )          ( √  )        (  ×  )         (  ×  )

(1) I like English very much.

(2) Do you like science? Yes, I do.

(3) I don’t like Chinese. I like maths.

(4) I like PE best.

(5)What do you do in an English class?  We speak and sing.

4.听朗读, 选择正确答语,写序号。(10%)

(  B  ) 1.  A. They’re Chinese and PE.        B. There are four.

How many lessons are there in the morning?

(  B  ) 2.  A. I like English.                 B. I like English best.

What subject do you like best?

(  A  ) 3.  A. Yes, I do.                     B. Yes, I like it.

Do you like music?

(  B  ) 4.  A. We have art and PE.            B. They are art and PE.

What are they?

(  A  ) 5.  A. We have six.                  B. We have four.

How many lessons do you have today?






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