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1. This is my cup.(改为一般疑问句)


2. It’s Lily’s clock.(对画线部分提问)


3. It is Peter’s watch.(改为复数句子)


4. Whose watch is it? (用her来回答)


5. have, the, look, Please, a, at, room, now(.)(连词成句)




(   ) 1.  Is this your desk?

(   ) 2.  Look at your room! What a mess!

(   ) 3. Thank you very much.

(   ) 4.  Where is my dog.

(   ) 5.  Whose bag is it?


A. It’s under the chair.    B. You’re welcome.

C. It’s her bag.    D. Yes, it is.    E.Oh, sorry, Mum.


Ⅰ                                 Ⅱ

1.Here you are.                  A.咱们去问问那个男人吧。

2.You are right.                 B.给你。

3.I think it’s Lily’s bag.     C.你是对的。

4.It’s a beautiful dress. I want it. D.我认为那是莉莉的包。

5.Let’s go and ask the man.  E.它是条漂亮的连衣裙,我想要它。


A:Look at the beautiful skirt. Whose is it ,Lucy?

B:I think it’s Lily’s.

A:And whose schoolbag is it?

B:It’s Tom’s. Look!There is his name on it.

A:Oh ,yes. Is this your doll?

B:Yes. it’s my doll. Thank you. Jim, is this your toy piane?

A:Yes.You are right. And that is my little brother Tim’s toy car.

B: Here you are.

A: Thank you.

B: You’re welcome.


1.Lucy       2.Lily      3.Tom      4.Jim     5.Tim

A.   B.    C.    D.   E.


Mary例:—Whose bike is it?

—It’s Mary’s bike.

—Excuse me ,Mary. Is this your bike?

—Oh,yes. It’s my bike.

1.     Peter —_______________




2.      Jim —_______________






一、 1.watch  2.  whose  3. remember  4. think  5. Tom’s clock

二、1.It’s Eve’s bottle.

2.It’s  Bear’s hat

3. There’re   Monkey’s   bananas.

4. It’s Peter’s cup..

5. It’s Cat’s book

三、 1. Where is my bag?

2.  Look at your room.

3.  Where is her watch?

4.  I think it’s Bob’s book.

5   That’s my pen, and that’s my watch.

四、1.Here you are, Lucy.

2. Thank you very much.

3. Whose bag is it?

4. I think it’s the man’s clock.

5. Is this your basket?


一、 1. B   2. A   3. B   4. A   5. B

二、 1. A   2. D   3. E   4. C   5. B

三、 1. F   2. T   3. F   4. T  5. F

四、 1. A   2. B   3. A   4. A   5. A

五、 1. ×   2. √   3. ×   4. √   5. √

六、 1. A   2. C   3. B   4. C   5. C

七、 1. A   2. C   3. A   4. C   5. B   6. B   7. C   8. B

9. C   10. C

八、1. Is this your cup?

2. Whose clock is it?

3. They are Peter’s watches.

4. It is her watch.

5. Please have a look at the room now.

九、 1. D   2. E   3. B   4. A   5. C

十、 1. B   2. C   3. D   4. E   5. A

十一、 1. C   2. A   3. B   4.E   5. D


—Whose pencil is it?

—It’s Peter’s pencil.

—Excuse me, Peter. Is this your pencil?

—Oh, yes. It’s my pencil.


—Whose watch?

—It’s Jim’s watch.

—Excuse me, Jim. Is this your watch?

—Oh, yes. It’s my watch.





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