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小学生想要学好英语,做题是最好的办法,威廉希尔app 为大家带来了四年级英语上册期末测试


( ) 1.socks A.lion B.cap C.grape( ) 2.fifty A.three B.fifteen C.thirty

( ) 3.basketball A.carB.football C.doll

( ) 4.milk Ajuice B.cake C.hamburger( ) 5.short A.hair B.big C.her


1. 我们的卧室_________________ 6.how many rabbits __________________2. 十五只香蕉_________________ 7.twenty umbrellas __________________3. 喜欢猫和狗_________________ 8.cute and fat _______________4. 一个小鼻子_________________ 9.at a snack bar __________________5. 一些牛奶 _________________ 10.forty-five yuan _________________


( )1. Do you have_______toy animals?

A. some B. any C. a

( )2.Look at these_______ .They are sweet.

A. tiger B. apples C. horses

( )3. Whose classroom is this? It’s__________ classroom.

A. we B. us C. our

( )4.His father is very _______.

A. big B.tall C.long

( )5. Can I_____________ your new dress? Sure.

A. have a look B. have a look at C. look

( )6. Look at our new toys.______________________

A. It’s nice! B. Thank you. C. Wonderful.

( )7. We don’t have any .

A. grape B. orange C. milk

( )8. —Can you play football? — Yes, I ______.

A. do B. can C. can’t

( )9. —_______ _______ crayons do you have? — Twelve.

A. How many B. How nice C. How much

( )10. I _______ eighteen toy dogs.

A. has B. have C. Am

四、根据上下文完成对话 ,每空一词

1. A: What’s ____________ over there?

B: Is it a toy dog?

A: Let’s go and see.

B: Oh, ____________ a toy tiger. Do you ____________ it?

A: ____________, I don’t. I don’t like ____________.

2. A: Do you have ____________ pears?

B: ____________, I do.

A: ____________ ____________ pears do you have?

B: I have three. Would you ____________ a pear ?

A: Yes, please.


1、my tail look sister’s at ( .)


2、stickers many have do you how ( ? )


3.room her living the is mother in( ? )


4、would I like cup a of tea ( . )


5、egg, a, big, what, (!)



( )1. Do you like cakes?          A. It’s time for bed.

( )2.What would you like?          B. Thanks.

( )3.Would you like a pie?          C. I’d like a toy panda.

( )4.Look at my dog.            D. No, I don’t

( )5.How much is it?             E. It’s a toy monkey.

( )6.What do you like?            F. It’s fifty yuan.

( )7.It’s nine o’clock.            G. Yes, please.

( )8.How many pencils do you have?    H. It’s cute.

( )9.Here you are.             I. Four.

( )10.What is that?             J. I like monkeys.


Hello, boys and girls. My name is Nancy. I’m twelve years old. I’m from England(来自英国)。

I like cats and monkeys. They are cute and funny(好玩的)。 I can sing and dance well, but I can’t play table tennis. I have a good friend Mary. She’s eleven. She likes pandas very much. And she likes pears. She can’t dance, but she can swim very well. We often(经常) play together(一起)。

( )1、Nancy is eleven years old.

( )2、Nancy likes cats and pandas.

( )3、Mary likes pears.

( )4、Nancy and Mary are good friends.

( )5、Mary can sing and dance well.






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