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威廉希尔app 为大家带来了英语四年级上册期末复习题,希望能够帮助大家很好的掌握本文中所提到的知识点,帮助大家学习。


1. I’d (完整形式)__________

2. let’s(完整形式)__________

3. he(物主代词)__________

4. tall(反义词)__________

5. snowman(复数)__________

6. beautiful(近义词)__________

7. sandwich(复数)__________

8. for(同音词)__________

9. I(同音词)__________



1. 在厨房里____________________

2. 一杯咖啡____________________

3. 她的长尾巴____________________

4. 一杯牛奶____________________

5. 一个白色冰箱____________________

6. 一些面条____________________

7. 在沙发上__________________

8. 一个酷的机器人__________________

9. make a fruit salad_______________

10. three brown horses____________

11. at the snack bar_______________

12. ride my bike____________________


( )1.---What would you like? ----I’d like_____egg.

A.the B.an C.a

( )2.----Can I help you? ----__________.

A.I like a cake. B.I’d like a cake. C.I nave a cake.

( )3._____ nose is small and _____ nose is big.

A.My, he B.His, I C.His, my

( )4.Her eyes_____big and her hair_____short.

A.is, is B.are, is C.is, are

( )5.----I can play chess, but I can’t swim. ---- I _____ swim either.

A.can B.can’t C.don’t

( )6.I have_____toy cats, but I don’t have_____toy dogs.

A.some, some B.some, any C.any, any

( )7.---Do you have_____rice? ---Yes, I have_____.

A.a , some B.any, some C.some, some

( )8.----Look at my new skirt! ----_____nice skirt!

A.What a B.What C.How

( )9._____are the shoes?

A.How many B.How much C.What

( )10.---What do you like? ---I like this_____.

A.pineapple B.pineapples C.a pineapple


Ⅰ               Ⅱ

( )1. Can I help you?       A. No, thanks.

( )2.Would you like a banana?   B.They’re in the bedroom.

( )3.How much are they?      C.I’m happy.

( )4.How are you?         D.They are socks.

( )5.Where are my bags?      E. I’d like some bananas.

( )6.How many dolls do you have? F.I like hamburgers.

( )7.What do you have?       G.I can jump.

( )8.What do you like?       H.I have three.

( )9.What can you do?       I.I have some milk.

( )10.What are those?        J. They’re 20 yuan.


1. look, come, a, and, have (。)


2. have, in, we, room, living, flowers, the, some ( . )


3. please, like, glass, grape, a, I’d, juice, of ( , . )


4. my, T-shirt, is, new, where, white ( ? )


5. a, is, cat, that, nice ( . )



1. 看我们的洋娃娃,真漂亮。

Look at________doll. It’s________.

2. 这是一把雨伞。它是给我姐姐的。

This is________ ________. It’s________my________.

3. 我篮球打得非常好。

I can________ ________very________.

4. ---你想要多少个? ---30个。

---________ ________would you like? ---________.

5. ---袜子多少钱?

---28元。---________ ________ _______the________. ---________yuan.

6. 我有长头发和大耳朵。

I have________ ________and big______.


Tim is my friend.He is in Suzhou now. We are in the same school. He is a little fat. He has big blue eyes. His hair is not black but yellow. His nose, mouth and ears are all big. He likes blue. He likes wearing(穿) a blue T-shirt and blue jeans(牛仔裤)。 Look at his hand(手)。 He has a football in it. We often play football after class(放学)。

( )1.Tim is an English girl.

( )2.Tim’s hair and eyes are blue.

( )3.Tim’s favourite(最喜欢的) colour is blue.

( )4.Tim likes basketball.

( )5.The boy with big eyes, big ears, a big nose and a big mouth is Tom.


( ) Yes, I do. What about you?

( ) Look at this cat!

( ) Do you like cats?

( ) No, I don’t. I like pandas.

( ) Oh, it’s cute.


1、I can’t play football _________(too)。

2、Do you have (some)_________ apples?

3、I (not)_________ like apples.

4、How many (book)_________ do you have?

5、She is a girl. (she)_________ hair is long.

以上就是英语四年级上册期末复习题的全部内容,更多信息,请关注威廉希尔app !





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