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尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,由威廉希尔app 提供的四年级上学期英语期末测试题,希望给您带来启发!


1. Good morning

2. 两支圆珠笔

3. Happy Teachers’ Day!

4. 你的狗

5. this copybook

6. 那支铅笔

7. come in

8. 这本书

9. have a look

10. 他的猫


1. This pencil is _____you.

A.to B.for C.of

2. —Good morning, Mr Wang.— _____ .

A.Good morning.B.Good night.C.Goodye.

3. May I have _____ orange?

A.a B.that C.an D.B and C

4. ——This tape is _____ .—All right.

A.for you B.for me C.for Helen

5. —What’s in your pencil case? — _____ .

A.All right.B.A school bag.C.A rubber

6. The cat and the big cap _____ for the boy.

A.is B.are C.am

7. —May I have _____ ? —Sure.

A.school bag B.bookmark C.a look

8. —Here you are.— _____ .

A.Thank you.B.Yes.C.All right.

9. _____ Gao is his mother.

A.Mr B.Mrs C.Miss

10.——Here’s a card for David.— _____

A.Thank you.B.OK.C.Sure.Here you are.

11.——Look at that boy.__is David.

A.He B.She C.I

12.——Can I have this ____? Sure.

A.computer B.a computer C.computers


1. family My seven members has (.)


2. are they Who (?)


3. Is your aunt this (?)


4. My doctor a is father (.)


5. looks strong He (.)



This is Amy’s family. There are seven people in her family. Her parents are doctors. They work in a big hospital(医院). They are good doctors. Her uncle and her aunt are teachers. Her uncle is a math teacher. Her aunt teacher(教)English. They are not in the same(相同的) school. Her uncle works in No.2 Primary school(第二小学), and her aunt is in No.3 primary school(第三小学). Amy has twin brothers. They are only three years old. Amy is eleven. She is in No.3 Primary School, too. It’s a big and happy family.

1. There are five people in Amy’s family.

2. Amy’s uncle is an English teacher.

3. Amy’s parents work in a big hospital.

4. Amy has a brother.

5. Amy is a student.

威廉希尔app 为大家提供的四年级上学期英语期末测试题大家仔细阅读了吗?最后祝大家生活愉快。





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