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6. 一些面条____________________

7. 在沙发上__________________

8. 一个酷的机器人__________________

9. make a fruit salad_______________

10. three brown horses____________

11. at the snack bar_______________

12. ride my bike____________________


( )1.---What would you like? ----I’d like_____egg.

A.the B.an C.a

( )2.----Can I help you? ----__________.

A.I like a cake. B.I’d like a cake. C.I nave a cake.

( )3._____ nose is small and _____ nose is big.

A.My, he B.His, I C.His, my

( )4.Her eyes_____big and her hair_____short.

A.is, is B.are, is C.is, are

( )5.----I can play chess, but I can’t swim. ---- I _____ swim either.

A.can B.can’t C.don’t

   ( )6.I have_____toy cats, but I don’t have_____toy dogs.


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