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1.do    ,   to,  want ,  What  , you  ,  buy,(?)

2.  draw  ,  a  ,  f or , story ,  I ,  picture  ,  my, (.)

3.day  ,   is  , What  ,  today  ,(?)

4.go   ,to  , the ,   cinema, Let’s ,   to  ,  see  , a ,  film  .

5.  a  ,  big  ,   what,    city  ,   (!)


(    ) 1.当你要打扰别人时,你应说:w

A. Thank you.     B. Excuse me.     C. Sorry.

(    ) 2.当某人向你问路,你想指给他时,你应该说

A、I can show you.    B. Excuse me.      C. Thank you!

(    ) 3.爸爸问你今天星期几时,应说:

A. Where’s it?     B. What day is it?  C. What’s this?

(    ) 4当你想知道去图书馆怎么走时,你应该询问别人

A. How are you?   B. Where’s the library?  C. How old are you?

(   ) 5当你建议大家一起去购物时,你应说:____

A.I want to go shopping. B. I like tomato. C. Let’s go shopping.

(     )6你看到黄灯亮时,你可以对同学说:

A、Red is stop.      B、Yellow is wait.     C、Yellow is go。

(     )7.我给朋友打电话是下列那句的汉语意思;

A.I watch TV after dinner. B. I talk on the phone with my friends. C. I listen to music.

(      )8.当你想问别人:你想买什么,你应该这样问:___________

A.What do you want to buy ? B. Let’s go to the book shop. C. Don’t use that bag.

(      )9.当你想说:我给我的故事配画,你应该说:_________

A.I read a book .      B. I write a story.    C.Idraw a picture for my story.

(     )10.Let’s  go  to  the  l ibrary  to____.

A .watch a movie.       B.fly kites         C. read a book


(   )1.Thank you.               A. He is wearing a green sweater.

(     ) 2. What is he wearing?         B. No, it’s Kim’s cap.

(     ) 3. Is this your cap?            C. No, it’s near.

(     ) 4. What do you do in the morning? D. Yes, please.

(     ) 5. Is it far from here?            E. I want to buy a new dress.

(     ) 6. May I help you?              F. You’re welcome.

(     ) 7. What do you want to buy?      G.. It’s 40 yuan.

(     ) 8. How much is it?              H. Go straight and turn left.

(     ) 9. Where’s the zoo?              I. Thanks.

(     ) 10. I like your skirt..              J. I brush my teeth.






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