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威廉希尔app 为大家整理了四年级英语上期末练习题,希望帮助您提供多想法,加油哦!


( )1. A: Happy birthday to you! B:______

A.OK!   B. Thank you !

( )2. Thank you _______ your letter.

A. for   B. to

( )3. Yesterday I ______ my room.

A. clean   B. cleaned

( )4. Chinese people invented paper _____printing.

A. and   B. but

( )5. The children ran away. _____ I cried.

A. so   B. Then

( )6. It ______ warm yesterday.

A. is   B. was

( )7. Come _____ , please!

A. in   B. of

( )8. Yesterday I _______ Grandma.

A. phone   B. phoned

( )9.There ______ an old man.

A. were   B. was

( )10. We were ______. So we bought a watermelon.

A. thirsty   B. dirty

( )11. I didn’t ________ football.

A. play   B.played

( )12. It didn’t make gold. It _____ a snake.

A. make   B. made

( )13. Wang Fei ______ a bad cold. He stayed at home.

A. has got   B. have got

( )14. I ______ a new friend.

A. has got   B. have got

( )15.I am still nine. I will be ten ______ April.

A. on   B. in


1. Lucy lives in _______.(伦敦)

2. We ________(穿)warm clothes yesterday.

3. I usually walk to school. But I ________ (骑)my bike yesterday.

4. The bad man was_________(生气的)。 He__________(带走)Ma Liang away.

5. Go to bed_________(早)。

6. Sam _________(搬) the watermelon on his bike.

7. He __________ _________(从。。....上跌落)his bike yesterday.

8.This girl _________(赢得) a gold cup.

1.won 2.angry 3.took 4.fell off 5.London 6. wore 7.carried 8.rode 9.early






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