A: I’m ,Mum.
B: Oh,here are some you.
A: No, I like .
B: What you ?
A: I’d like a .
B: OK. It’s the .
( )1. A. sandwich B. rice C. milk D.noodles
( )2. A. white B. yellow C. Hungry D.brown
( )3. A. what B. where C. home D.how
( )4. A. swim B. duck C. fly D.run
( )5. A. table B. sofa C. bed D.kitchen
五、选择填空。 (每题2分,共10分)
( ) 1. It’s twelve o’clock. It’s time for .
A. breakfast B. lunch C dinner
( )2.------ How many do you have?
------ I have six.
A . orange B .juice C .ice cream
( )3.------ is Mum ?
-----She’s in the kitchen .
A . What B . Where C .How old
( )4.------ I like mangoes.
------ too.
A . I B . My C .Me
( )5. I have sixteen . They’re very beautiful.
A .sticker B .stickers C . new sticker
六、从B 栏中选出A 栏所给的句子的答句,将其字母的序号填在括号内。 (每题1分,共10分)
( )1. Where’s the milk? A. He’s in the kitchen.
( )2. Where’s Mike? B. An ice cream.
( )3. Is this a bathroom? C. I’m hungry.
( )4. What would you like? D. It’s in the fridge.
( )5. How are you? E. Yes,it is.
( )6. I’m hungry. F. Thank you.
( )7. I’d like some juice,please. G. It’s in the fridge.
( )8. What would you like? H. What about some rice?
( )9. Here you are. I. All right.
( )10. Where’s the cake? J. I’d like a sandwich.
六、连词成句 (每空1分,共5分)
1. cake , the ,Where ,is (?)
2.fridge, the, ice cream, Are,the,in (?)
3.bedroom, Is , this, your (?)
4.snack, a, Here’s, bar (.)
5.of, I’d, milk, like, glass, a (.)
七、 将下列句子排成一段通顺的话。 (5分)
( ) Thanks,Mum.
( )what about some juice?
( )Here you are.
( )I’m thirsty(口渴的),Mum.
( )No,I’d like a glass of milk.
八、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 (10分)
My name is Mike. I’m eleven. I like hot dogs. This is my sister, Helen. She likes sandwiches. We both like hamburgers. But we don’t like noodles.
( )1. Mike is .
A. ten B.eleven C.twelve
( )2. Mike likes .
A.hot dogs
C.hot dogs and hamburgers
( )3. Mike is Helen’s .
A.brother B.sister C.father
( )4. Helen likes .
C.sandwiches and hamburgers
( )5. They don’t like .
A.hot dogs B.noodles C.hamburgers
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