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A. my bedroom    B. a small house      C. a new computer      D. a clean kitchen

E. a beautiful picture     F. a large garden     G. our playground   H. an old clock

I. a sofa            J. Ben’s classroom


1.Iwant to buy some flowers.

2. There are two maps on the wall.

3. Let’s play a game for one minute.

4. Now please close your mouth.

5. There are two toilets in this room.

6. I love my big living room.

7. This is a new and tall building.

8. I do my homework after school.

9. The swimming pool is opposite the playground.

10. Are there fifty pictures.


1. What’s in your pencil-box?

2. Are there any toys under the bed?

3. Welcome to my new study.

4. Do you have a big flat?

5. How many classrooms are there in your school?


1. The cute child has a lovely computer.

2. There are some clocks on the floor.

3. There isn’t a study in this house.

4. The playground is opposite our classroom.

5. Twenty and thirty is fifty.


1. This is a picture of a big house.

2. There are two bedrooms in the flat.

3. The kitchen is next to the living room.

4. There is no sofa or TV in the living room.

5. The bathroom is very big.


一、1. I    2. G    3. B    4.D  5. J

6. A   7. C    8. F     9. E     10. H

二、1.B   2. B    3. C    4. A  5. B

6. C   7. A    8. B     9. C     10. C

三、 1.B   2.B     3.C     4. C    5. A

四、 1. F   2. T    3.F     4. F     5.F

五、 1. computer  2. clocks  3. house  4. playground  5. Twenty

六、 1. A  2. B  3. B  4. C  5. A  6. B  7. C  8. A  9. B  10. C


1. our new classroom    2. 淋浴     3. have lessons   4. 教学楼的对面

5. a  big / large  study      6. 在……前面    7. twenty-five computers

8. 做家庭作业9. after school      10. 玩游戏

八、 1. A D E L T   2. C F K N R   3. B G J O S   4. H I M P Q

九、 1. read  2. work  3. music  4. play games

5.  take  6. watch  7. grow   8. between    9. next

十、Is,  you,  How,  many,  How,  many,  Who,  or,  young

十一、1.  Ten. / 10.

2.  Yes, there is.

3.  Opposite the teachers’ room.

4.  White.

5.  Yes, there are.

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