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一、 把不同类的单词的号码写在题前的括号里(5分)

(    )1  A music     B  subject     C math

(     ) 2  A paint      B  sing        C sleeping

(     ) 3  A breakfast   B  lunch       C touch

(     )4  A today      B  Monday     CFriday

(     )5  A feet        B hands        C body

二、 填入所缺的字母组成单词。(10分)

sc__en__e     st__d__     S__nd__y     vi__l__n     d__nn__r

th__ __ty     m__ __ th    Ch__n__se    __ p__n    S__t__rday

三、  选择适当的单词填空(10分)

are  touch close  soccer  am  reading    doing     do     is   violin

1  What are they________?   They are_______ English。

2 I ______ painting.  Tony _____writing.   My  friends ______ watching.

3 _______ your  eyes.  ________your ears.

4 ______ you  like  science? Yes, I  do .

5 They play  the ________  on  Sunday.

6 We  play _________ on  Saturday.

四 根据所给出的时间在钟面上画出时针和分针。(10分)

6:30         10:15        3:50        12:00        7:05

五 选择正确的答案把号码填在括号里(10分)

(   )1  What ____ you do on Monday? A  are   B  do   C  does

(    ) 2  I  like   ______.  A  swim    B  swimming   C  apple

(    ) 3 _____you read it?  A   Can    B  Are   C   Do

(    ) 4  I play _____basketball  on  Friday.  A  a   B  the   C  不用填

(   )5  My brother and I _____ having   lunch.  A am  B is  C are

(    ) 6  What _______do you like ? I like math  and  art.

A subjects   B  colors   C  food

(    )7  _____ your   head.   A  Touch  B Open   C Close

(    )8  Is he ______now? Yes, he is.  A writeing  B write  C writing

(    )9  ______is it today? It’s Saturday. A  What day B  What  C What time

(    )10 ______do you  get home? I  get home  at  5;30.

A  What  time   B   What  day C  What


Hi! I’m  Peter. I  have  two  small  eyes. It’s  Sunday  today. I don’t go to school. I  get  up  at  8:30 . I  like  P.E. and  math.  This is my  friend  Ben.  He  likes  P.E.  too.  We  play  tennis  on  Saturday  and  Sunday.  Look !  We  are  fishing  at  the  lake.  We are  very  happy .

根据短文的内容判断,正确的在括号里写√ 不正确的写×

(    )1 It’s Saturday today.

(    )2 Peter  has  two  big  eyes.

(    )3Peter  and  Ben  like  P.E.

(    )4 They  are  swimming  in  the  lake.

(    )5 They  are  very  happy  today.


一、1 B  2A  3C  4A   5B  6 C  7B   8A   9C    10A

二、 1T  2F  3F  4T  5T  6F  7T   8F   9T   10F

1 I like science.  2 They’re  running .  3He’s reading .  4 He’s studying.

5 I  play  ping-pong  on  Friday. 6 They swim on Thursday.

7 It’s 7:00.It’s time to have breakfast.   8 These are my arms.

9 Touch  your ears. 10 This is his  mouth.

三、1 What subjects do you like?   2 What’s Ben doing?

3 What day is it today?       4 What time do you have  lunch.?

5 How old are you?      6  What are these?

7 Who’she?        8  Are  you  reading?

9 Happy birthday to you.     10 Do  they have dinner at  6:00. ?


1.We  play  basketball  on  Tuesday

2.They  like  English  and  art.

3.Tony  is  reading  Chinese.

4. Jenny  is  playing  ping- pong  with  Gogo.

5.They  like  swimming.

6.What  day  is  it  today?

7.It’s  Jenny’s  birthday  today.

8.Gogo  is  having  lunch.

9.What  time  is   it  now?.

10.I  like  P.E.  and  English.






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