三、 情景选择(10分)
( )1、放学后,你看到教室里很脏,会对同学们说:( )
A:Let’s clean the classroom.
B:Clean the classroom .
( )2、你们的教室很大,你应该怎么说:( )
A:Our classroom is big
B:It’s so small .
( )3、当你看到朋友的相册中有一个陌生的女孩,你应该问: ( )
A:Who is that boy ?
B:Who is this girl ?
( )4、当你看到迈克背着新书包去上学,想知道里面都有什么时,会问:( )
A:Do you have a new schoolbag .
B:What’s in your schoolbag .
( )5、你的王老师又高又壮,想把他介绍给你的好友时,会说:( )
A:This is my teacher ,Mr Wang .He is tall and strong .
B:This is my teacher,Miss Wang .She is tall and thin.
1、have We new a classroom .
2、is it Where ?
3、is it colour What ?
4、his name What ?
5、tall and strong He’s .
( )1、who’s he ? A:Thank you .
( )2、Where is it ? B:No,it isn’t.
( )3、Let me help you . C:He’s my friend.
( )4、Is your toy in the desk. D:It’s black and white.
( )5、What colour is your bag. E:It’s under the chair.
shoes toys Where Let’s teacher’s desk
1、____________clean the desk and chair .
2、My_____________are blue.
3、Lily’s brother has many ____________.
4、The computer is on the _________________.
5、--__________are your glasses?
--On the desk .
A:Excuse me.1.__________that girl ?
B:Oh,that’s my sister ,Sally.
A:2.________is she ?
B:She is nine.She 3.__________a student.
A:What’s 4.________her schoolbag?
B:Many 5.__________.It’s very heavy.
( )1.A:Who’s B:What’s C:Where’s
( )2.A:How B:Where C:How old
( )3.A:am B:is C:are
( )4.A:in B:on C:at
( )5.A:books B:book C:a book
My name is Tom .I have a new friend .My friend is a girl.Her name is Mary.
She is thin.She has long hair ,big eyes and ears.She has a small nose and a small
mouth.She is cute.
( )1.What is the name of Tom’s friend?
A:Ann B:Tane C:Mary
( )2.Mary is ____________.
A:thin B:tall C:fat
( )3.Mary has a _______nose and a _______mouth.
A:small ; big
B:big ;small
( )4.Mary has _________hair.
A:long B:short C:black
( )5.Tom has a ____________friend.
A:new B:old C:boy
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