四、读和连线。(10分 )
floor 计算机
maths book 笔记本
computer 地板
notebook 丢失
study 书包
strong 数学书
quiet 长头发
lost 强壮的
schoolbag 安静的
long hair 书房
五、单项选择。( 10分)
( )1、I have __English book.
A 、a B 、an C 、two
( )2、How many __do you have?
A、 pencils B 、pencil C 、pen
( )3、I have a sister.__name is Lili.
A 、His B、 She C、 Her
( )4、__is my schoolbag?
A、 What B、 Where C 、How
( )5、__is she?She is Amy.
A、 What B 、where C、 Who
( )6、__colour is it?
A、 What B、 Where C、 Who
( )7、__is in the classroom?One blackboard,many desks and ...
A、 How many B、 What C、 What about
( )8、Let__clean the window.
A 、I B、 me C、 we
( )9、What is __name?His name is ZhangPeng.
A、 her B、 his C、 he
( )10、Is he Wu Yifan? __
A、 Yes,you’re right. B、Yes,he isn’t. C、No,he is.
window thirteen music Chinese book
math pencil door seven
desk twenty-four ruler science
English chair fifty English book
科 目:___________ 数 字:________
学习用品:___________杂 物:___________
七、从B 栏中找出A栏相对应的答语。(10分)
( )1、How many pencils do you have? A、 His name is Mike.
( )2、Where is the picture? B、 It is Wu Yifan.
( )3、What colour is this bag? C、 Sure.Here you are.
( ) 4、What is his name? D、 I have thirty pencils.
( )5、My friend has blue glasses. E、 It is near the window.
( ) 6、May I have a look? F、 Lili is my best friend.
( )7、How many English books can you see? G、 It is orange.
( )8、Who is your best friend? H、 She is my sister.
( )9、What do you like? I、 I can see five.
( )10、Who is she? J、 I like music.
A、What B、have C、 how D、 here you are E schoolbag F、 may
Amy:Hi!ChenJie,I have a new __.
ChenJie:Really?__colour is it?
Amy:It is black and white.Look!
ChenJie:Wow!It is a panda!__nice!
Amy:I__many books.
ChenJie:A fat panda!
ChenJie:__I have a look?
I have a friend.Her name is WangChen.She is ten.She is a girl from ShangHai.She is beatiful.She has big eyes,a small nose,a small mouth and long black hair.Her favourte suject is English.She likes Chinese ,math ,singing and dancing,too.WangChen and I are in Class Three.we are good friends.
( )1、WangChen is a boy.
( )2、She is twelve.
( )3、She is from ShangHai.
( )4、She has a big mouth.
( )5、She likes English very much.
( )6、WangChen and I are in Class Three.
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