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A.电影院     B.超市     C.动物园     D.学校     E.街道

F.车站        G.看电视   H.听音乐     I.喝牛奶   J.面条

(   )1. station      (    )2. listen to music

(    ) 3. school        (     ) 4. noodles

(    ) 5.supermarket   (     ) 6.cinema

(    ) 7. zoo           (     )8.drink  milk

(    ) 9.watch TV      (     )10.street


(   )1、Where are you, Tom? -—I'm      the tree.

A. behind   B. from    C. with

(     )2.-—Where  are you  now?  ----I'm        your left.

A .at       B. on      C. in

(      )3. It’s        a supermarket.

A. at       B. under    C. on

(      )5. –Thank you so much! -—         .

A. Thank you   B. You’re welcome!   C. Turn left

(     )6.  I like        football.

A.  playing    B. play              C. plays

(     )7.This is my friend Amy.       is watching TV.

A. He         B. She          C. We

(     )8.He is reading a  book       China.

A. to      B. about      C. with

(     )9.Look at these(这些)         .

A. a book      B. book    C. books

(      )10.What’s  Tom        ?

A. doing       B. dot      C. does

(      )11.We can see lots     interesting things.

A. in         B. on       C. of

(      )12.She is       her friend.

A. talking at   B. talking to   C. taking to

(      )13.The school is near      a park.

A. /          B. to          C. near

(     )14.       is your school ?  Near the zoo,

A. Where      B. What        C. Which

(   )15.How  much        it?

A. is        B. am      C. are


(   )1.What  are  they  drinking?   A.  I’m  Daming.

(   )2.Where’s  the  Sam?           B. It’s  5  yuan.

(  )3.Do  you  want  some  noodles?  C. He is near the door.

(   )4.How  much  is  it?      D. They  are  drinking milk.

(   )5.What’s  your  name?    E. Yes , please.


to     of    watching     want    near

1、The  bus  is        the  park.

2.  She   is          TV.

3. They’re  listening        music.

4. Do you        some  noodles?

5. We can see lots      interesting  things.


1. get  bus  Let’s  the   on( .)

2. some  Do  you  want  rice( ?)

3.can  lots  interesting  We  of  see  things ( .)

4. is  What  Amy  doing(?)

5.  No.2  please  Where’s   Street  Park (?)






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