( )1、A. chess B. football C. basketball D. dragon
( )2、A. park B. lake C.sing D. hill
( )3、A. people B. pupil C. girl D. boy
( )4、A. swim B. boat C.play D. sing
( )5、A. elephant B. tiger C. taijiquan D. monkey
( )6. A. rice B. milk C. fish D. cook
( )7. A. bike B. cake C. bus D. train
( ) 8. A. make B. cake C. dumpling D. egg
( ) 9. A. cooking B. playing C. dumpling D. drinking
( ) 10. A. buy B. egg C. help D. play
( )1. -What are they doing?
-____ playing football.
A. Are B. They’re C. He’s D. They
( ) 2. They are ___ a boat.
A. row B. rows C. play D. rowing
( ) 3. Look ___ the people ___ the park.
A. at , on B. at , in C. on , at D. on , in
( ) 4. You ___ running and I ___ dancing.
A. is , am B. are , is C. are , am D. are , are
( ) 5. Look ___ the people ___ the lake.
A. in , behind B. at , on C. in , at D. at , in
( )6.-Can I help you?
A. I want some fish , please. B. Yes , you do. C. No, I don’t.
( )7.My house is a school.
A. next to B. down C. on
( )8.- is your school?
-Go straight on, then turn left.
A.What B. Where C.How
( )9.-Where you live?
-I live East Lake Road.
A. does ,in B. do , on C. do , in
( )10.-Can you ride a bike?
- .
A. I can ride a bike. B. Yes, I can. C. No, you don’t.
( )11.Amy and Lingling to music now.
A. are listening B. is listening C. listens
( )12.Look,Tom is a letter.
A. writing B. writes C. wreiteing
( )13.We TV at home.
A. watching B. watch C. watches
( )14.Bill and Daming are now.
A. Swim B. Swims C. Swimming
( )15.-Can Sam swim?
A.Yes , he can. B. Yes, he does. C. No, you don’t.
1. I want some noodles ____ meat and potato.
2. He’s making ____ .
3. Look ____ this girl. What is she doing?
4. Do you ____ some milk ?
5. ____ is it ?
1. Some boys are ___ a boat.
2. They’re ___ chess.
3. Look ___ the tiger.
4. Grandma is ___ a book.
5. ___ she doing?
1. tiger , what , the , is , doing
2. jump, can, far, you, Daming?
3. soya milk , is , drinking , he
4. want , you , some , do , rice
5. see , things , lots , can , we , of
( ) 1. Mr Black is watching TV.
( ) 2. Tim is listening to music.
( ) 3. Lee is riding a bike.
( ) 4. Linlin is talking to his friend.
( ) 5. Jack is running.希望提供的四年级上册英语期中检测题,能够对大家有用,更多期中考试的相关内容,请及时关注威廉希尔app !
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