Hello! My name is Tom, I’m thirteen years old. I ______ animals, I can ______ a toy ________ . This is Lucy, she’s my sister. She’s nine. She can play basketball, but she ________ play ________. That’s my brother, Peter. He’s four. He can run and ________ .
( )1. A. elephant B. animal C. cow
( )2. A. pineapples B. oranges C. mango
( )3. A. very B. cool C. wonderful
( )4. A. run B. table tennis C. football
( )5. A. my B. our C. We
2. how many _
4. 喜欢狗 ___
5.Here you are.
( )1 --- Do you like __________?
--- No, I don’t.
A. tigers B. a tiger C. tiger
( )2. ______ these toy animals.
A. see B. Look at C. Look
( )3. Do you have______ grapes?
A. some B. a C. any
( )4. ---Do you like monkeys? ---Yes, I ______
A. can B. like. C. do
( )5. ---______ footballs do you have? ---Thirteen.
A. How nice B. many C. How many
( )6. ---I can sing. ---I can ______too.
A. swim B. sing C. skate
( )7. ---Can Mike play table tennis? ---Yes,______.
A. I can B. he can’t C. he can
( )8. This is a cute _________. Do you like ______?
A. cat, cat B. a cat, cats C. cat, cats
( )9. --- ______ you like a pie? ---Yes, please.
A. Do B. Would C. Can
( )10. Let ______ make a fruit salad
A. is B. us C. are
( )11. Can you play _____?
A. a football B. basketball C. skate
( )12. ——Here you are. ——______
A. Thank you B. Ok C. All right
( )13.——______ footballs do you have?——Thirteen.
A. How nice B. many C. How many
( )14-- How old is your brother?
--- __________
A. I have fourteen. B. He’s sixteen. C. She’s fifteen.
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