1、play ________ 2、see________ 3、listen _________ 4、read _________
5、watch_______ 6、do_________ 7、row _________ 8、drink _________
9、jump _______ 10、dance________ 11、take ________ 12、sing_________
13、make _______ 14、run ________ 15、swim ________ 16、skip__________
17、shop ________ 18、stop________
1、_____ Kk _____ 2、Cc ____ _____ 3、_____ _____Ss
4、____Ww _____ 5、Hi ____ ______ 6、_____ _____ Qq
1、listen to music ________________
2、play chess _________________
3、play with _________________
4、take pictures ________________
5、draw pictures _________________
6、drink soya milk __________________
7、read a book __________________
8、row a dragon boat __________________
9、do taijiquan __________________
10、play table tennis _________________
1、My brother is ____________( make , making , makeing ) noodles now.
2、What are you _________( do , does , doing ) ? I’m _______( row, rowing, reading ) a boat.
3、I ______ watching TV. Tom_____listening to music. We ______ having a good time. ( am , is are )
4、Let’s get _______( up, on ) the bus.
5、They are __________(play , playing ) chess.
6、She is ________(takeing , taking , take ) pictures.
7. What’s the elephant doing? It’s ______________(画 ) pictures.
8、I __________ a toy ship. He __________ a toy car. ( have got , has got )
9、Let’s ________( go , going ).
10、_________( What , Where ) is the cat? It is under the desk.
11、_________( What, Where ) are they doing? They are __________.( swimming , run )
12、I _______ to school by bus. She _______to school by bike. (go , goes )
13. Here ________( is , are ) noodles with tomato and egg.
14. ________ ( How , What )do you want? I want some eggs and potatoes.
1、I am swimming. (改一般疑问句)
_____ ______ swimming? Yes, I_____. No, I’m ______.
2、He is playing table tennis. (改否定句)
He ________ playing table tennis.
3、They are rowing a boat. (改一般疑问句)
_____ _______ rowing a boat? Yes, they _______. No, they ______.
4、_________ are they doing ? They are watching TV. (根据答语补全问句)
5. ______ ______ is it? Ten yuan. (根据答语补全问句)
6、men, between, look, the, trees, the ,big, at (连词成句)________________________________
7、I, help, you. can ? (连词成句)________________________________________
8、tiger , doing, is, what , the? (连词成句)___________________________________________
9. want, you, meat, do, some ? (连词成句)___________________________________________
九、阅读理解。根据短文内容判断正误。正确的写T, 错误的写F。
It is a fine day today. I go to the park with my friends.. Look at the people on the lake. They are rowing a boat. Look at the men under the tree. They are doing taijiquan. The girls are reading books. I am playing games with my friends. Look at the birds in the tree. They are singing. What a happy day!
( ) 1、I go to the park with my mother.
( ) 2、The men are doing taijiquan under the tree.
( ) 3、I am reading books with the girls.
( ) 4、The birds are singing in the tree.
( ) 5、Today is a happy day.
十、我们学习的现在进行时态,你都懂了吗? 根据汉语提示,补全句子。
1、他们正在打篮球。 They _______ ________ basketaball.
2、我正在看书。 I _____ _________ a book
3、Tom正在画画。 Tom _______ ________ pictures.
4、他们正在干什么? What _______ they _________?
填完空之后你们发现了什么? 和你的同桌讨论一下!
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