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Ⅷ.单项选择 请根据语境选择最佳选项并将序号填入括号(每题1分,共10分)

(      ) 1. Yesterday, a mouse ______ into a shop to buy some cheese.

A. went              B. go            C. goes

(      ) 2. I like playing the erhu. It _______ a violin.

A. looked like        B. looks like      C. look like

(      ) 3.Mother’s Day is coming._________________.

A. I’ll draw a picture for my mum.

B. I draw a picture for my mum.

C. I send some flowers to my mum.

(     ) 4. The people didn’t  _____ to the field, because the boy told lies.

A . ran            B. runs           C . run

(     ) 5.There are so many good books. It’s______ to choose one.

A. difficult       B. dangerous      C . powerful

(     ) 6. Once upon a time, the boy ________ sheep.

A. looks after      B. looked at       C. looked after

(     ) 7. The planet is _______the sun, and it is very cold there.

A. near           B. far from        C. near to

(     ) 8. ---Let’s make ______English newspaper. -----That’s _____ idea.

A. a, an           B. an ;a          C. a ; a

(     ) 9. Look, my brother is ______ the ducks.

A. feeds          B. feed           C. feeding

(     ) 10. Don’t ______ the box. It’s dirty.

A. touch         B. touches         C. touching


(     ) How does Daming go to school?    A. Yes, she does.

(     ) Where did Mum go ?             B. He is going to buy a book.

(     ) What’s Amy doing ?              C. She went to the shop.

(     ) Does Amy want to have a party?    D. She’s drawing a picture.

(     ) What is Tom going to do?         E. By bus.

Ⅹ. 根据语境选择恰当词语把句意补充完整,并将序号填入横线上(每题1分,共5分)

A. see     B. happening    C. surprise     D. happy     E.  piano

It’s Daming’s birthday party.  What is _____________now?  We can _________Tom is singing a song. Amy is playing the ___________. It’s a _________ party for Daming. They are very h__________.


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